Josh Robert Thompson (who...?) Meltdown III Happening LIVE NOW

0  2017-09-05 by [deleted]



What's the connection to O&A? This is such an odd out-of-context thing to listen to.

"Who?" is right. Who?

Theres an /r/opieandanthony attack (not reddit organized, from the discord) on this guy that flips the fuck out at literally everything

Remember we used to bully this weird black lady in honor of tranpa

That still doesn't explain "Who?" and why it1s relevant to anything. Off topic faggotry.

Don't sticky shit like this when A&A is about to start.

when A&A is about to start.

wouldnt wanna take away from that glitz and glamour

but point taken this is horrendous in not even a fun way.

I don't know this Merle Robert Thompson. I don't know what he does or what he lives on.