This is "Latest Radio Trends and Broadcasting news" - he's not even trying anymore to pretend it's not him"

8  2017-09-05 by MCChippah


This is the last sign before the inevitable suicide attempt.

That's final stage before full Benoitism takes hold.

Someone should do something.

Ill call 911 and give them his twitter names and say he lives New York - that should narrow it down for them

I'll call into Artie and Anthony and ask if they're concerned about Gregg's mental we'll-being.

No. I won't.

Well it's the thought that counts

This guy got greedy, confirmed not opie

How confirmed?

Even Opie isn't dumb enough to bring his wife into this

I want to believe

Opie never brought his wife and child into anything, not even to make a viral video.

That is enough to leave them alone. I do hate Opie a lot but his kid is unfortunate enough to be raised by him and his wife is unfortunate enough to smell the rotting teeth on the pillow.

Probably the only thing he was good at was keeping his home life to a minimum on the show.

It could have been something great. I think he saw all the hype he was getting on here and got too excited. Like a serial killer he attempted to sign his work and it was his undoing.

Gahdammit- good point

This is really sad guys. Like wow sad. Dudes fucking crazy.

That confirms its not Opie he never talks about his wife or mentions her by name. All fans of the show know this.

You go too far, man. We honestly believed you were opie.