Luis J Gomez Has A Challenge For You

78  2017-09-04 by OochyWally


what a fag


I guess HE goes on the 'who to jip when bored' list

This guy's a real pitbull

Oh, I wouldn't want to tangle with this guy. He seems like one bad hombre.

Absolute faggot

What are you going to do Luis, stab someone? Fucking can-kicker.


Who's this nigga think he is, Shang Tsung? Fuck outta here!


Haha yeah shang tsung jung right

Shang J Tsung.

Puerto Rican Dragon. I'm done.

Puertal Kombat.

Otherwise known as a knife fight.

Shang Suck

Watch your step around him, fellas

/u/theprrattlesnake let's get together and do some butt slappin' like days of old

Only if it's your nuts off my butt, friend


You have gained and lost the respect of this gay subreddit so many times. I still like you but man this is some homo shit to say.

Especially since it's over him thinking he's going to make a relationship with a female comic work. I can't believe anybody who has been doing stand up as long as he has wants to tempt fate with one of those loons.

LOL. This was directed at r/cumtown not you guys.

I just spoke to cumtown and they said they're heading out to dig up and skullfuck your dads corpse. I replied that seemed a rather lugubrious activity.

"We were going to go skullfuck that guy's Dads dead corpse but then we took a lot of drugs"


We're not offended by this because we think you're threatening us. We're offended because it's lame.

Do they have photos of you on your belly? What's happening?

Better be scared of us, bitch nigga

What the cumboys do to you?

I'm kidding. This was directed at my Facebook friends who kept calling me gay for posting positive things.

Tell them that's not the reason your gay.

Should clear things up without threats.

He's Puerto Rican, violence and threats is the only way he learned how to communicate. In 3rd grade he head butted a wheelchair bound invalid for calling him a real ass bro.

That photo is way more gay than anything you might say.

Still, kill Stavros. No jury will convict you when your defense attorney plays a compilation of him laughing.

I'm glad Nick finally let you use the Puerto Rican Rattlesnake moniker also.

You should have said that from the beginning because your post made you look like a real ass homo. Redeem yourself by telling us about how you saw Anthony crying when we outed him as bisexual.

100% true.

Details nigga. You didn't redeem shit yet.

Can you kill Stavros regardless if he tries you or not?

Don't fuck with cum nation. We are alt right, antifa, and gay proud boys.

Damn what a badass

cross me

That's the kind of shit that made it impossible for me to get into Slayer. Awesome music but always with the corny D&D-level lyrics. Heterosexuals don't speak like that, not in the last hundred years anyway.

That's only the later stuff though. Kerry kings awful Tapout shirt fake tuff routine

The worst thing is those guys usually are tough. They're just trying so hard to convince people they are that it has the opposite effect. Toughest guy I know is a mechanic that coaches his 9 year old girl's soccer team. He probably hasn't been in a real fight in a long time, but he's the kind of guy that wouldn't think twice about punching through a window if you were on the other side of it and you deserved it.

I bet I could kick his ass.

Would Jim say he's a problem?

I dunno... It's tough, man...

Fucking legitimately. Like pfft. PROB-LEM!

Tapout shirts really have done more harm than good.

Kerry King is both the worst guitarist and the most cartoonishly goofy fag in metal. It should have been him that got a flesh eating disease and drank himself to death.

Yeah I don't listen to any albums after South of Heaven.

Seasons is great

LJG jogs along the beach with the sun setting while listening to this. Queer.

I just woke up from a wet dream. I knew I heard from somewhere.

Sure wouldnt want to mess with a tough guy like that.

Fat people that get fit always think they are tough.

Since when does this twink think he's a tough guy?

Hang around Dave Smith and Big Jay for a will think you are Conan Einstein.

Being the least beta doesn't mean you're alpha. The rattlesnake hasn't realized that yet. When the toughest guy in your crew is Ari Shaffir, it's easy to think you're a BMF

Who's he talking to? The internet?

I find roast battles to be the most unequivocally gay show concept in the world.

it makes regular stand-up comedy look like the nuclear family.

Also, this counts as crossing me.

I will sell you your soul back for $10k.

You gay, nigga.

Holy shit. I actually want to fight you now for not dropping this.

We'll have to crowd fund 1/6th of a Jim Morton cartoon to raise those kind of funds.

try taking it from the devil you dumb sock cucka. I sold my soul to that mug in 19666

Machete doesn't kill.

This guy is so crazy and deep. Edgy.

So does /tv/ have a challenge for /b/ ? Then again I doubt anyone gives a fuck about Gomites.

I like this guy but acting tough makes anyone look stupid.

empty cans always rattle the loudest...

He's still seething over Sherrod and the $750 a show. SERENITY NOW!!!

"Ill fuck you until you love me faggot" -Luis J Gomez

Luis has the dead-dad syndrome many puerto-ricans seem to have. He also had a fucking terrible childhood. This makes him a mean motherfucker who will grab life by the balls.

He might seem like a total fuckwit, but listen to his podcast for a while and he comes off as genuine and funny. He just leaves an incredibly shitty first impression. He's better than Big Jay and that try-hard Dave.

Can't get much faggier than this

Luis must be feeling good because he's Krappy Doodlez

Way to play your stereotype, chicano

"Trust me, you don't want to fuck with me. TRUST ME!"

This is how you teach your son to be a nigger faggot.

I'm a little late to the whole LOS thing but is he a stand up? I honestly don't know-I think of him as a podcast guy that has a foot in the fidget spinner street scene. He's all attitude and no jokes.

"We were going to go skullfuck that guy's Dads dead corpse but then we took a lot of drugs"


He's Puerto Rican, violence and threats is the only way he learned how to communicate. In 3rd grade he head butted a wheelchair bound invalid for calling him a real ass bro.

Only if it's your nuts off my butt, friend