The Opster unleashes on East Side Dave

17  2017-09-04 by FlashVirus


Just minutes prior to this tweet the mysterious Radio Report account also went after Dave:

He might as well of called it: The Faot Report.

Of called it

Bad bot.

That Gilgore fucker with his tongue up Opie's ass should be booted out of the Gilgore Girls, if he's a member. He's totally tarnishing the host of Brain on the Brink's good image.

Dave was a friend of the fawwkin show alright? leave it alone.

Dave and I used to shoot the shit on the phone together for hours awwwright?! Leave it alone.

Opie got people into his ship and "steered" it for 20 years, only to find out he was the only one left when it started sinking.

A flurry of counter punches from esd

Your all a bunch of queers.