The Real Radio Report “Opie” calls Jim “I don’t trust bed bugs” Norton a hack.

42  2017-09-04 by ok_to_sink


this is one of the most pathetic things opie has ever done

This is true.

or one of the best pranks someone else has done

Both of these scenarios are amazing. I don't know which would be better but both of them involve Opie being driven to the brink of insanity.

This. I wanna believe it's real, but there's some intelligent psychopaths in the O&A fanbase. Remember Fake Roland? And that was before this subreddit really took off.

What if jim controlled this twitter account?


The same Andrew dice clay that called Opie the most insecure man he's ever met

"asshole face"

"I'm... an Opie?!"

Shit is really going down. Can someone tweet these current shenanigans to Jim? It'd be hilarious to see him set up an alt account for Chip as a response.

He @ mentioned Jim, so I'm thinking it's on his radar. And it doesn't take any special intuition to realize you're reading the openator's demented thoughts.

I tweeted Jim it also.

I just did the same. With teamwork we can bring this monster down.

Dice said some brutal shit about Opie on Stern, that was some of the best Opie bashing ever done on air, possibly ahead of Greggshells.

What he say?

something about skullfucking his recently deceased father

I think it was mostly Stern saying he's fuck Opie's dead father's skull, I think Dice just called him a needy douche and kept saying he acted like a woman with low self-esteem, Howard took the opportunity to go in hard.

He was talking about mancows dead father and opie, for some retarded reason, said it was about his dad

Because ME ME ME

Give it a listen, he gives Ant props right off the bat but calls out The Opester, Stern takes plenty of shots too.

Looks like Jocktoberking and TheRadioInsidr are bringing the fight to tits and his fake accounts. Come on boys, let's be the pests O&A wanted us to be.

I'm mortified.

ME: Look, I was hacked. Believe it or not, haterz. ; (

He's going to claim it was all a ruse from the beginning and anyone who thought he was serious is a fawkin' idiot.

He's ripping off Ant's Bizarro Opie bit.

That was Derrick.

I don't know if "Jim Norton is a hack comic at best" will fit on a mug. "Peesa gahbage" is a better fit and would be cheaper to print.

Oh, man. This is just getting sad.

I believe that most people are missing the best part of the screen shot. The last tweet is absolute truth.

Sam is an inoffensive guy that knew how to play well with staff and management. The dude worked his ass off to be in radio and he's living his dream. I don't like him as a broadcaster, but I can't get it in me to hate him.

If the WWE ever needed a full-time podcaster he would be in his element for life. But he knows how to play well with Jim and other comics, so whatever.

Opie was the Peter Principle in action, and never should have gotten as far as he did. Everyone he made contact with either had to become a pawn or a kiss-ass in order to co-exist with him, and now that's coming back to have no one to go to. Even Vos, the one guy who arguably was his one real friend, won't defend him anymore.

I meant it when I said this shit was sad in another comment here. Every broadcaster has a need to be loved, but this guy has created a fake twitter account to hype himself up. It's the most creative thing he's done, and it's on the same level as saying you have a girlfriend in Canada. It was kind of fascinating to watch this all go down -- most guys like Opie just fade out of the limelight -- but there's nothing to really analyze here.

If you told me years ago that Fez would have had a more graceful exit than Opie, I never would have believed you, but here we are.

Ok. Now I don't believe that it's Opie. He wouldn't call Jim a hack but someone here would think that he would if he believed he had anonymity.

My brain hurts.

Yes he would, He would call him A LOT worse due to the fact he thinks Jimmy took his morning gig.

This unbiased third party is really going after Jim and Sam.

There's no way this isn't a dedicated troll.

RRR if you're reading this, dial back, let Opie imply it's him to drum up drama and attention, and then let loose a torrent of horrible bridge burning tweets to ruin his relationships with everyone.

and Sam too

Because ME ME ME