Douche admits he was lying about radio offers

50  2017-09-03 by FlashVirus


Off topic but tittymans profile photo is so cringy and Chipperson-like

That's da bit, civilian.


Opie is a sad man.

Yeah - he's really starting to babble nonsense

Only Gregg could be so dumb that he test drives a Tesla and passes it off as an incentive to sign with a fake company and think that people will believe it.

Dat's da bit.

Leave it alone

he spent 2 months 'trolling' everyone with a lie that nobody believed anyway, sick burn Greg.

Some straight talk from one of Opie's very legitimate followers:

Holy shit... it's just years worth of promoting shitty TV & radio shows with obvious fake pics. So these fucks hire some viral marketing firm to promote them through a million fake Twitter accounts? That's sad

15 minutes until the best written show on network TV! #TheExorcist #RenewTheExorcist #TheExorcistseason2

lots of young Asian girls are into shitty 60 year old shock jocks

If it weren't for all that horseshit promotion I'd lean a little more towards real just since it's unusual to impersonate someone with godawful teeth. But the kek in their name puts the matter to rest.



Yeah...she looks like a typical fan of middle aged Tits and fat tongue Sherrod.

What will be Opie's excuse when October comes and he's still doing nothing... "Fawkin holiday's are coming and I'm in charge of steering the holiday boat"

and you Bobos fell for it.

This is just sad. This poor fuck needs to get a job in radio management somewhere in the Midwest, or just retire. There is no-one on the planet who wants to listen to him anymore. He'll have to give up his Manhattan apartment and house in the Hamptons, but at least he'll have the love and support of his loyal and devoted wife. For richer or for poorer, right, Lyns? Enjoy your new life in Worthington, Ohio.

I said last month that he's a goddamn idiot for not at least setting up an LLC and pitching himself to smaller markets as an "experienced programming consultant" or some other quasi-corporate media bullshit

Yup. I said the same thing. You can milk the whole 'radio programming consultant' angle for a lot of money. He could still live in NYC but travel to smaller market radio towns and spend a couple weeks at a time revamping their shit and making off w good money. Drop the Opie horseshit and become Gregg Hughes, business man. Its his only real option.

I said the same thing too.

Nigga fuck u

You shut up! He was the first to say it!

I had to triple check to make sure that wasn't a fake account. Holy shit.

He's starting to remind me a little of this guy who was the Fonzie of my high school. Unquestionable most popular guy in a class of about 800, dated the prettiest girl, then when everyone got on facebook (12 years later) you look him up and naturally he became the stereotypical Al Bundy/jock-who-went-absolutely-nowhere type of guy, with a crummy job and a profile pic with a bummy wifebeater. But the thing in his case is he was clearly well-aware of the stereotype and was self-deprecating about it. He had this "yup. of course" attitude regarding where he was at in life.

It reminds me of that because the titster appears to finally be starting to be a little bit honest about his patheticness. Based on his usual cuntiness you'd expect him to go to his grave in denial of everything, especially on social media. Gotta keep up that appearance, since "O&A always win in the end".

Opie really is a has-been

Opie is a never-was

his name is forgotten

When Anthony wakes up with a boy with makeup, it's to early for that mess.


But wait, he's using question marks so is he admiting it or not?

That's actually the funniest thing he's posted in years. If he were that funny all the time he'd still have a show.

You don't think Keksuki really listens to the opester?

ok i'm lying alwright