What happens first? Opie lumps Carl in with the "haters"? Or Carl realizes Opie is delusional and insane?

25  2017-09-03 by DaveNone

I think Carl will realize that Opie is nuts but won't be able to say anything because he's tied himself to Opie tightly and if he walks away he looks like a bigger fool than everyone already thinks he is.


Carl has been Scorched by Opie, and he probably knows it, but it's not like he has other shit going on. I guess he lost a friend by siding so hard against Roland, something tells me they Weren't That Closeâ„¢. He also doesn't need to worry about people knowing he made a fool of himself: If a food court chef sucks Opie's tits on a popup show nobody watches, does he get any DIIIP?

I remember seeing a tweet on Opie's timeline where some bag of shit father posted his downsy baby going "DIIIIP" as he dipped a piece of bread into something. I have nothing to add here other than I hope that kid is conor peterson'd soon.

That kids gonna be the next conor mcgregor

I think Carl is around Opie because Carl is a wannabe star/personality and sees Opie as possible stepping stone. I see Carl going away as Opie can do less and less to benefit Carl.

Guy Fieri is no prize but that zilch has absolutely 0.0% chance of that hideous mug with its giant tooth gap getting anywhere near a real TV show and he should know better.

Neither will happen. They'll go on living in their fantasy world for the rest of their days

You know how some special needs people need a handler when they go out in public? That's what Carl is to Opie.

I remember seeing a tweet on Opie's timeline where some bag of shit father posted his downsy baby going "DIIIIP" as he dipped a piece of bread into something. I have nothing to add here other than I hope that kid is conor peterson'd soon.

That kids gonna be the next conor mcgregor