Nobody isolated audio of vos and bonnie talking about how Opie and his wife don't talk to them anymore?

35  2017-09-03 by Dennyislife

This place has gone to the dogs and you should all be ashamed


I am ashamed but it's because of other things.

I hear you brotherman. When your father calls you a "little faggot" enough eventually you give in and tuck your prick back, throw on some heels and head out for a night on the town. I don't suck cock because I like it. I do it because I have to. It's just like the fact that I am going to see Rich Vos at the Funny Bone in Syracuse, NY on September 21, 22, 23 and 24. I get no joy from it.

See ya there Ant!

To be fair the Hughes family probably got tired of talking to ppl who try hitting them up for money everyday

They were trying to return podcast stuff they gave them when they were talking.

kinda like you when you cant make it to the first for your welfare check

And nobody's going to.

was this on their podcast? should be ready in 10min or so

We don't deserve you.

u/Dennyislife has a point though: he shouldn't have had to ask for this.

No he's spot on.. a few months back nothing got past this sub.. even the most random podcast gossip.. if the Melissa talking about ant and sue lighting happened now, it would never get picked up by this sub.. The only reason the Edgar calls into Covino and Rich and dipaolo got on this sub was cuz people on twiter told me, and I dm'd braun and he pulled the clips.. vos calling into Bennington moaning about ant and Ron bashing CPmedia would have gone unheard of it wasn't for people (who don't come on this sub) wernt taking about it on twiter and Braun picked it up.. This sub was always the first place to come for the latest gossip(yick) now its the last to now...

If you see/hear something, say something

You are all underestimating the potential of SNN

SNN is for FAGGOTS, sir

CAPITALISING for effect is for DESPERATE queers

Stinks is the man. Take your homophobia somewhere else sir.

Hahah Opie broke up his wife's friendship because of his ego.

That combination of Long island and Philly trash really creates an unearned sense of superiority and selfish pettiness. It must be an odd feeling to be undeservingly rich while thinking everybody still owes you something.

Opie is mad Vos does Jimmy's show? Is he supposed to wait?

The most surprising thing about this inane conversation is that Lynsi exists, is obviously still talking to Opie in some capacity and that she does things. How is it possible that no one has posted a picture of her online for like 10 years.

If Stalker Patti could afford a phone, we would have hundreds of shots to choose from.

I think some creep here posted her Facebook long ago

And all of opies picture are in his lonesome

What about that episode of my wife hates me where bonnie relentlessly trashed Opie radio right after Anthony got fired?

We don't deserve you.

Hahah Opie broke up his wife's friendship because of his ego.