Reminder: Keep Kicking Them In The Nuts Joe

69  2017-09-03 by JespyZero


Oh my god. I've been wanting to see this for a while. How fucking awful. Which part of that is supposed to be a microphone?

all of it

It looks more like a cartoon cigarette, something Fred and Barney might've smoked in a not so subtle in-show Winston commercial.

That's one of the worst tattoos of all time.

His attempt to cover it up today looks like something you would see from a burn victim at a welding factory

Still, a huge improvement

What a monumental fuckup.

Why does this girl have a Derosa tattoo?

Reminder 2: He added the box around it because he truly thought black people were thinking the KK was apart of KKK. I personally think it's racist to think that, very demeaning

Is the box supposed to be anything specific ? Such garbage

Supposed to be a microphone


The funniest thing Derosa ever did was tank his career by coming out against Ant. Maybe his next tattoo should be an acronym for "Keep Your Stupid Fucking Mouth Shut, You Idiot"

Yea Anthony did get him that Better Call Saul gig, some people are so ungrateful.

I don't think anyone's grandad would know what a Nazi podacast is...

Don't assume what my grandfather did during the war

DeRosa's career is doing just fine. People acting like Joe going against Ant somehow destroyed Joe's career is one of the stupidest things I've seen on this subreddit. I would expect that type of thinking to come from the typical Ant sycophants, but I thought most people here have moved past licking Anthony's balls like that.

Found Joe!

I'm not even a fan of DeRosa. It's just a stupid thing to say. It also seems like a lot of people here think that comics should do the very gross Hollywood thing of going against their own personal beliefs and principles for the sake appealing to a specific audience, and for sucking up to a person who might be able to help their careers.

Why does the outline look infected and scab-like?

He had that shitty outline added afterwards. Also, it looks like the "artist" who did that took exception to Derosas artistic integrity and laid in a little deep

Fascinating. It looks like a prison skin-pop tattoo

I have a really low life uncle who tried to tattoo a Harley Davidson tattoo on his back while he was in prison. Even that isn't all scabbed up. Honestly it looks better than Joe's. His looks like it was done with a weed whacker.

And whys it in the shape of a cigarette?

Apparently it's a microphone

It was added later, to class it up a bit.

If it's class then it's probably elementary or sumthin

Tell your muddah to call me when she has no class Chip, ya dildo.

because it's just that, you know de rosa wasn't in the market for quality when he got this done.

Artist dug in too deep and he prob picked at it...maybe ate the pieces.

Derosa is such a dork.

What would you rather have, this, a Proud Boys tattoo, or fatal skin cancer?

sue's cum

It's supposed to be something undesirable or bad

Joe 'The Fuhrer left some so the future would hate them too' Derosa

it's honest to god the worst tattoo that anyone has ever received

joe d is bad at everything he attempts

My favorite part of this tattoo is that Joe thought Carlin was saying something special. Then they realize he actually told everyone he met that.

That is the funniest part. De Rosa thought it was "a moment" they shared. That the old guy saw his younger self in him and gave him a sage piece of experienced and hard-earned advice.

It was actually just the stock phrase Carlin imparted on every younger, fawning comedian he wished to dismiss as quickly as possible. And no-shoulders got it permanently stamped on his arm, in the crudest and ugliest design imaginable.

I met Muhammad Ali at the '96 Olympics in Atlanta. He leaned down to me, wiped some spittle off his chin, and told me to "float like a butterfly and sting like a bee". As an aspiring heavyweight boxer a decade later I got FLABSLAB tattooed around my neck. Boy was I pissed when I learned that he gave everyone that line, not just me.

I'm sure FLABSLAB had more than one meaning for you, though.

Yeah, you're right. None of that happened, I was just joking.

"I want something permanent to remember this moment I had with my hero, but I don't want to spend over $100"

Little known fact: Carlin actual said "keep kicking them in the nuts, faggot"

It's someone utterly hammered trying to text "kitten" to the point where autocorrect has no clue what word they were going for.

it doesnt look like that anymore right? didnt he completely cover it up ?

what a fucking shithead

black rectangle may somehow be even worse

I know the outline is meant to be a mic but was it suppose to be a SM57? If so, why? Those are generally used as instrument mics not vocal mics. I think good ol' Joe wasn't thinking things through.

African American gentlemen like to jam in Joe's "garage". Their peckahs look like Telefunken U47s and they whisper to Joe, "You'll love it. It's a way of life."

Zappa lives.

In a world in which Gregg Opie Hughes still breathes, this goes down as one of the most embarrassing things I've ever seen.

Just let that sink in, Joe, you pudgy rug seller.

"Kike killer that is trans now." -Noted Anti Semite Joe Derosa

KK Tittin'

Holy shit! This guy has had TV roles and this is the best work He can find/afford? I fucking hate tattoos and know little about them, but this thing is lawsuit bad. What a slope shouldered fucking dope.

Who could forget the time DeRosa pathetically tweeted Carlin's daughter about this tattoo and she was unnerved.

oh look it's an old school microphone!!! said no one ever after looking at the shit.

He's got some moobs, but they're a C cup at most, who is he trying to fool?

I want to help him remove that awful tattoo by dragging Joe behind a horse

I think Ive asked this once a year since 2013, but he got it covered up with something that looks like a complete blob that you can see a little bit in blurry pictures, but has anyone ever gotten a closeup of it?

I know Joe has a rep of being cheap, but he did fly all the way to Bergen-Belsen get this done.

I'd like to bash Joe for this, and he deserves bashing in general, but what kind of tattoo artist hears "can you make this into a microphone?" and comes up with that??

I could have done a better job and I barely know how tattooing works.

I recall they mentioned that in studio and that microphone was his decision.

And joe was the one giving Troy shit for his tattoos. This is the worst executed attempt since 'the challenger.'

Its supposed to be a microphone. lol.

i see a pipe wtih a bit of steel screen on the end that someone etched "kitten"on

Joe "Kill Kikes Then Incarcerate The Negros" Derosa


all of it

It looks more like a cartoon cigarette, something Fred and Barney might've smoked in a not so subtle in-show Winston commercial.