Weekly Free-For-All Thread: September 03, 2017

0  2017-09-03 by AutoModerator

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"I'm not a racist who believes in white privelege but I do believe very strongly in white power."

-Colin Quinn

Shut the fuck up

Niers and faots. That is all.

I'd like to see full nudes of the lady that keeps posting cootah shots of herself

I'm looking for some new internet friends. If you are interested, please reply to this message with a brief description of yourself. Thank you.

P.S. At this time, I will not be accepting offers from Jews, Niggers, or Limeys.

I used to have this dude who would message me almost everyday for a few months. I believe it started as him not liking a probably pussy seeming post on morbidreality.

I told him my life story, and he gave me a fabulous story in return.

This fellow was clearly a eurofag or typed as one very convincingly. He claimed he was born in Tuscany, but currently resides in Germany. And boy was this motherfucker racist, like every message he sent had at least one racist tirade, so I knew he was good people, and I always find it funny when lesser raves like Italians think their any better than any other degenerate.

He claimed his current job was making methadone, and that he would occasionally sneak some out to give to the addict girls he liked to fuck. This dude loved to talk about fucking, he'd talk about trips to other European cities to fuck hookers away from his main girlfriend and other local girls.

He inevitably got banned for being incredibly racist, and I hadn't heard from him since. But I sort of miss that crazy fuck, he's what the internets all about no matter what he truly was.

Was this person on reddit? Where did you meet this fellow? Did you find his stories especially convincing, or did you have any reason to believe that what he was saying was untrue?

I believe it was morbidreality I met him on. And I did believe him for the most part, though some sex stuff seemed exaggerated.

thunder thunder lightning and the thunder

gay gay gay and the gay

"The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world," - Mel Gibson

Is it too much if I clean the dishes and mow the lawn, to ask my wife to give me a pat on the balls.... With her tongue?