Photos Not Photoshopped 9/69

63  2017-09-03 by JespyZero


It looks like actual poop on his head

Joe's got a doodie hat.

How can someone be so fat, but have such skinny little boy wrists?

arab genes ( look at dj khaled for reference )

Fuck I'm fat with little boy wrists. Thanks for the new insecurity asshole.


I'm like that at the moment but to be fair to myself I did have a stomach illness for a number of years. I can't say much for Joe.

I had a drawing class in school where we were supposed to trace our hands. In front of the entire class, the teacher starting ripping my drawing apart because the teacher couldn't believe someone could have such tiny little wrists.

I don't doubt that you have tiny wrists but that was a cunty thing to do.

She was a ham planet. I think she legitimately didn't believe the drawing was real. Her arms were the diameter of my waist.

When did Bobo rock that haircut?

I'm not even sure jean jackets were cool in the 80s. Since my older sister owned one, I'm going to say no

This is what I imagine is beneath every Antifa mask, a pile of recessive genes

Open call to the photoshop talented, please edit a cock into Joe's hand.

He looks like Zippy the Pinhead

Very cute picture of an eggplant, OP. But this isn't the produce forum. Post something O&A related or get out.

like someone dropped burnt spaghetti on a giant pimple

Slowly but surely turning into a Troy Quan type

As troy put it, joe derosa is a bitch with tits

Nobody told him you actually have to be good looking to pull something like that off.

Alt right hair cut, what will he tell his black friends.

this can be reposted with, "People Sam Roberts has better hair than 1/1"

How is he supposed to explain to his black friends that his head looks like a potato with steel wool glued to the top?

That's his greatest joke so far.

He's gradually transforming into the fat guy from Ellen's sitcom

I don't know what upsets me more, the fact you linked this shitty IMDb copycat site or the fact you know this dude primarily from the Ellen sitcom

following up on this, did you decide which one upsets you more?

definitely the Ellen sitcom

Looks like mutant Dwayne from Futurama

Cool haircut, Joe. Want to bring it to the White House?

I wonder what the view of himself that he has in head is like

Jesse Joyce said DeRosa looks like a professor of skateboarding.

that haircut tells people u have talent in LA

He looks like Kurt Metzger's gay little brother.

"You're a 120 pound fat man." -Patrice to Joe

He looks like he should be hosting a shitty lib Comedy Central political show. Except he's not even funny enough for that crowd.


Raised by my family but later grew up on the streets.

Why didn't you use a rubber B?

He watched Problematic once

His head looks like one of the plants you pull out of the ground in Super Mario Brothers 2.

Raised by my family but later grew up on the streets.