Professor Anthony

7  2017-09-03 by beavvv


Forget Aristotle and fuck Socrates

Ant is a modern day greek philosopher, including the boy-fucking.

I remember when Anthony was calling trump insane and a joke candidate. I definitely remember that.

Anthony hides his sorrow and depression through incessant racial/political tweets and clowning behaviour.

I guess he's been in an alcoholic blackout the last few days, as North Korea have ramped up their threats towards Japan and now claim to have a hydrogen bomb.

Doesn't Andy always complain about liberal celebs that are openly and overly political? How is he any less idiotic?

He's a high school dropout for god's sake.

Reminder: The phrase 'professor anthony' was created by Opie because he was genuinely in awe of Anthony's "knowledge" which was really just normal human curiosity.

So just to give you an idea of the level of Opie's intellect, if you're interested in, I dunno, how a jet engine works or something, you're a "professor" to him.

ME: You read about something on wikipedia because you're curious about it? You're a fawkin GENIUS.