Sam has more crap merch around his house than jimmy.

1  2017-09-03 by Dennyislife


It annoys me that he has any self-esteem.

If he'll ever have a daughter, she'll be 100% a bull dyke. Looking at all those scantily clad muscular males would ruin any young girl's sexuality.


Thats going over the headboard.

roids chippah

Having a goddamn painting of Owen Hart in your home should be automatic grounds for divorce. His family probably doesn't even have one.

Yeah its very mawkish

He has Opie level followers

This fucking dork should not have his own national radio show

A thousand likes in one day. 0pie is spinning in his beach grave.

The other kids I grew up with who were way too into pro wrestling all turned out to be gigantic weirdos.