What's the nicest Muslim country in the world?

15  2017-09-03 by Tronald_Dump_2016



Go back to the donald

Why... is he wrong?

This is a forum for encouraging the suicide of Gregg Hughes. Not a safe space for alt right spastics. Get out

What makes you think im alt right?

Go away spastic

Didnt vote for trump, dont like him

So i guess youre another of the autistics who only see things in extremes.

Nobody cares about your views. You are not interesting.

And from your reddit history you sound like a retarded 19 year old.

Have you used "drumpf" unironically?

There we go! Little snowflake got offended and had to trawl through my comment history. Like a weakling leftie.

I'm just fed up of retarded incels like you shoehorning their boring ideology into everything remotely fun. You're almost as annoying as those blue haired feminist types who won't shut the fuck up about Trump, but you don't realise that, because you're all retarded.

Oooh what's that? You support free speech? Wow!!! Tell me more! How very interesting! What are your thoughts on Islam? You don't like it? Fascinating!!!! How about transgenders? There are only two genders? Cool!!! Where can I hear more of this? Got any YouTube videos I can watch? Preferably featuring Ben Shapiro or Crowder? They're sooooo insightful and ahead of their time, aren't they?

Incel? Wtf is that?

Jesus youre into this too deep. You need to talk to a therapist. How long did it take you to type that? And im only skimming it for all the buzzwords.

And... dude.... lefties are anti trump...ya know...like your comments. Do you even remember which side you claim to be on?

Do you even remember which side you claim to be on?

Side? I'm not on any 'side'. I hate you all. You're ALL spastics. But you don't realise that, because you're retarded.

Lol. I read your shit. Youre an angry left winger

Sure, my more recent comments make me seem left wing, but of course, you didn't delve any further, because you're retarded.

No im just generalizing like you did

Edit- and please dont try to co-opt "snowflake" Thats the word center and right wing people use to describe people like you

Yes....that's the point...dummy.

YOU are now the snowflakes. Get it yet, retard?

But... um... youre the one flipping out. Lol


Lol just realized you look dumb huh? Its ok

Come back here and shut up

Go back to... I'm a fag.com or sumthin

Go back to... I'm a fag.com or sumthin

Go back to... I'm a fag.com or sumthin

Go back to... I'm a fag.com or sumthin

Go back to... I'm a fag.com or sumthin

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.

Go back to... Suckanegg.com or sumthin

But seriously, not everyone exists in some protrump / antitrump binary universe.

I'm not even American, faggot.


Trump fans are sad

Most seem pretty thrilled actually. It's his detractors that seem very miserable.


I remember Christopher Hitchens saying it would be Bosnia Herzegovina, based on rights and social stability. Also, on the surface, UAE and Qatar are both really nice and (by Mideast standards) open countries (though the ruling regimes themselves are pretty heavy-handed in maintaining unquestioned authority.) Malaysia too is predominantly Muslim and pretty beautiful and developing quickly.

Misses the point guy..

Bosnia Herzegovina

Yeah somehow the shitty Serbs made the Muslims in Bosnia look good.

i dont like muslims but I wish we'd adopt their views on women and gays

and blacks


Please don't let this place fill up with dumb shit like this.

Amy schemer is a fat cunt.


Mauritania is lovely this time of year.

Didnt vote for trump, dont like him

So i guess youre another of the autistics who only see things in extremes.