Antwan Cumio on gay tinder 9/27

1  2017-09-03 by Suibu


Simon says...your a faggot.

Charge your phone

This is great. It's labor day weekend and you're pretending to be Anthony pretending to be gay on Tinder as you talk to other gay dudes, THEN you screenshot and post it like "Oh man, just wait until the O&A sub guys see THIS!"

Just when I think this sub can't get any more cringe-worthy and less self aware.

You're pretty high and mighty for someone posting on the O&A sub on LABOR DAY WEEKEND!!! Shouldn't you be out smoking dmt and fucking underage black girls?

Don't get all upset with me. I'm just pointing out things you did.

Are you making fun of me? you better watch it or I'll go on Tinder and pretend to be gay and talk to guys. That will show you I mean business and that you are lame and stupid.


At first I was like, "How can these guys talk so much shit about comedians like they're better than them?" but now I see, it's because you are!

I mean I've actually used Craigslist to score drugs from old gay guys...

You don't even have to do gay shit! Just be like "hey real talk I know you have coke and viagra, I'll trade weed and a generous chunk of my paycheck cuz i need it now."

You need to overpay some cuz you're imposing but it's actually a pretty easy way to connect. Despite the creepy ads they're mostly normal enough kind dudes not lookin to rape ya or nothin.

This isn't even funny.

Stop ruining gay Tinder! Leave at least once place to be wonderful!

in the words of a modern philosopher & genius; You schtink!