Jim tries to understand Anal Cunt

8  2017-09-03 by FlashVirus


And if you like Anal Cunt...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FITwy6afNw

"Pantarra" can't go 5 seconds into a clip without Opie cringe

Him trying to pronounce idiocy was kinda funny.

I lit your pecka on fire

"I make love to you with my heart.......... and also my peckah"

Or "as well as my peckah". I mean if you're gonna put it in quotes get the quote right.

I liked Anal Cunt non ironically, I think they were the only musicians who did not give a fuck about anything. Not many bands could do what they do and get signed

I particularly enjoy the "Howard Wulkan is Bald" EP

I showed my ex girlfriend this, she did not approve

Song titles always made me laugh. Example: "Women: Nature's Punching Bag"

Fuckin tits for years would drive us massholes nuts. It's not "worester" it's pronounced "wister" or "wista"

Mister, people from Massachusetts aren't allowed to talk about how things are pronounced.

Anal Cunt is a million times more worthwhile than Sabbath.

Oh, you meant the band

I've never listened to AC before. But I think I could get into this. I've always loved Slipknot.

I loved Anal Cunt. Also, Impaled Northern Moon Forest, too.

I particularly enjoy the "Howard Wulkan is Bald" EP

Song titles always made me laugh. Example: "Women: Nature's Punching Bag"