62  2017-09-02 by Every1ShouldBKilled


well that explains why rock is now so unpopular and sounds so terrible

ALEX LUCIANO, 22, OF DIET CIG You have to suck for so long! No one tells you that it’s O.K. to suck. [laughter]

POTTER Just because of your gender, though. There’s millions of completely mediocre to terrible bands with dudes in them.

These women are getting a profile in the New York Times because they have cunts and they're still yelling about how unfair it all is. Very Rock n Roll.

With a band named War on Women you know it's going to be the most ham handed feminist shit imaginable.

I propose a better name: "The Unfuckables'.

U2 fat

Fed zeppelin


The Eat-alls

The Ramone Noodles

Edible Planets

That woman from Sheer Mag is a real fat fucking pig.

So this is what Zac Amico has been up to.

I didn't read any of this but I think I got the gist of it just by looking at that fat chick in the middle and the facial impressions of the two on the far right.


agreed. find better angles.

I wouldn't mind giving that far right one a Rogering to the best of my ability

I would fuck the fat one to get to one on the end

You don't think that makes you fag or somethin?

When I was a kid there was ONE band that had a huge ham planet for a singer. It's weird looking back, and realizing that she's almost "normal" sized now:

yeah that girl should obviously keep her skinny privileged in check

Terry Clifford and the New Style

Buncha bleedin fawkin pussies and shiznit dvv dvv

The Bob Kelly sized one has to be the drummer

She's the drums, she slaps her belly

G.G. Allin didn't eat his shit onstage for this!

I bet that recording studio smells like the Chesapeake bay.

well done

lol fish

Im not even kidding, and I try to be historically objective because I love history: this could be the most boring, un-fun, aggravating generation of women in modern history. Just endlessly nagging, faux-victim crybabies. Desperate for more power and endless self assurance. This is a horrible time to be single.

It's even worse being a woman, or black even: There's no way you can be a person with your own autonomy if you're any of those things. Because the only thing that matters now is that you ARE those things.

If you're trying to get me to empathize with broads or coloreds we're gonna have a problem.

If I was black I would be the biggest gayest nigger on the world.

Like Ant?

Being a big gay nigger is a state of mind


I bet you and miss featherweight in the middle there could work your differences out over a bucket of chicken

(you're both fat, that is the joke i am trying to make)

I met a chick online, we talked ALL last night. She just moved to LA from shitkicker Texas. We both live in the valley where it's 106 degrees today, and there's fucking smoke and ash everywhere.

I asked her to go to the beach, but she said we'd have to "meat" (not kidding) for coffee or a bite to eat first, just to make sure I'm ok. I had to fucking pre interview to see if I qualified as an acceptable beach date. We're going to Malibu, you cunt, not flying to the fucking Galapogos Islands. Im just going to chop my dick and balls off like Boston Corbett at this point, I cant fucking take it anymore. Just give me a goddamn cabin out in the woods already.

Please don't bum me out on the shabbat

So you guys talked all night in front of the cocksucking fuck fire, and that wasn't enough for her to be ok with hanging out with you at the beach? Did you guys hook up that night at all?

Articles like this build the foundations for misogyny where it didn't previously exist. Bunch of dumb cunts.

I really don't want to hate women, but then they do shit like this:

Am I the only person who was very inspired by the “Josie and the Pussycats” movie?



Why is that thing in the middle wearing such a short garment? She's even leaning forward slightly barely and it barely covers her box.

Oh yeah, to show off that tattoo. Nevermind the cellulite on her legs, the lard being pushed out of her boots, that's liberating. Nonono you aren't a disgusting pig that shit is liberating.

Look at that back fat begging for escape, once again.

I don't care for this angry queer ham woman.

I feel ya pal. I don't give two turkeys about Chris Farley over here. But what do i know? I just go to the job site with my container of--WE GET IT.

Are you implying you don't like endless paragraphs and regurgitated trite opinions fella? We might have a bone to pick.

That drummer has the 1000 yard stare.

Rock and rap consistently have to have a "message" to distract people from how musically bad it is.
I dare these untaleneted twats to play some jazz.

Oh, stop it.

A picture is worth a thousand words. And that fat twat says it all.

The only noteworthy rock band I can think of fronted by a woman is actually a tranny in a punk band.

What band? Please don't say that virtue signaling shit about tranny struggles.

It was more of a comment about how bad and naggy women in music are, I forget the name of the band but the dude certainly does talk about being a tranny a lot (as is they nature.)


It was Against Me or something.

Oh yeah

Against me were only ever a quarter good when she was a he, and he was recording short-sighted love-letters to anarcho-bullshit. As soon as that crap started sounding like the Foo Fighters, it was time to go.


Life of Agony?

Those poor girls are stuck in the gravitational pull of that grotesque planet.

The toughest one in that room? The stool holding up the monster in the middle.

I sincerely wish I was homosexual so I didn't have to put up with women ever. Women are retarded

Women are genuinely threatened by sex bots. You watch though; they'll start changing their tune real quick when they become more established.

It's true, we already see it happening with white women hating asian women.

black women hate asian women too. prob related.

Yeah, you're like this guy:

You don't have to be though, internet porn gets you a good 90% of the way there.

Here's a gender breakdown of each band

*War on Women - 3 Men, 2 Women *Speedy Ortiz - 3 Men, 1 Women *Downtown Boys - 3 Men, 2 Women *Diet Cig - 1 Man, 1 Woman *Vagabon - 1 Woman *Snail Mail - 2 Men, 1 Woman *Sheer Mag - 4 Men, 1 Hog

Here's a gender breakdown of each band

*War on Women - 3 Men, 2 Women
*Speedy Ortiz - 3 Men, 1 Women
*Downtown Boys - 3 Men, 2 Women
*Diet Cig - 1 Man, 1 Woman
*Vagabon - 1 Woman
*Snail Mail - 2 Men, 1 Woman
*Sheer Mag - 4 Men, 1 Hog

I guarantee those 3 "men" in War on Women are the most cucked men in the universe to have a name like that.


What the fuck?

I would rape both the blonde dyke and rupert grint over there

No wonder they didn't feature Dead Sara then. Their woman/man ratio is better, the women are fuckable and their music isn't bad

I like how these are all cow assed uggos from bands no one has ever heard of, yet they didn't bother asking women who front well known and liked bands like Lacuna Coil, Pretty Reckless, or In This Moment.

Those women are fuckable though

Buncha fat ugly cunts just my opinion please don't downvote.

What's worse on a middling attractive girl, plaid pants or a denim sunsuit?

How long are the concerts that fat mess in the middle puts on? 10 minutes? No way can that hefty cow do a full concert without passing out or needing long breaks between songs. Or does she do them on a Hoveround?

Metric's female singer is awesome.

Alabama Shakes has a badass female guitar player and singer.

Florence and the Machine is one of the top rock acts right now.

Stop acting like they're an oppressed group because it pushes your agenda.

That's really all this fucking is.

I hated when all three would say that constantly on every fucking show.

Joan Jett should die so she could roll over in her grave.

Is there a woman/woman-dominated group in the top 20 of any creative endeavor? Not that anybody's top 20 list is empirical fact, but going on the premise that, say, The Stones, The Who, and Led Zeppelin were light years ahead of the likes of Heart and The Bangles.

bands, authors, directors, actors, tv show creators, comedians, painters, shock-jocks.......

The only ones I can come up with are the Wachowski "sisters", if you want to count them, but they were dudes when they did their best work.

You could say Meryl Streep is in the top 20 actors, but for me, I preferred her ex-boyfriend John Cazale's work to hers, and he might not be in the top 20. And he tapped out after 5 movies.

At best, Streep's is inconsequential greatness. Who gives a fuck about "Sophie's Choice" or "The Devil Wears Prada"?

She was great in Adaptation. though.

TL;DR - women stink

Women have done very well in music, and these days we typically prefer our idols to be female and/or black. This article is just agenda truistic nonsense.

The article makes pretend like The Slits never existed. There were't Jim Crow Laws saying women couldn't pick up guitars. It's such bullshit.


Rock is ruled by these hipster nobodies, no wonder it's dead.

Those air metal douches from the 80s look presidential compared to these queefs.

"Mostly white, mostly male." Yeah like the most famous guitarist in the world that everyone looks to as the pinnacle of rock and role, Jimi Hendrix. Faggot should have checked his privilege.


Yeah put the only two decent looking girls in the far-back corners and put the fat whale up front. Great idea.

It's almost never pretty, friendly, well-adjusted women who behave like screeching cunts. Gee, I wonder why?

Jabba the Hut has a whole harem of slave broads now.

So if the whiteman stole the rock music from the nigga, then you are just stealing something already stolen. You are worse to the nigga than the white man. I hope ya happy laydeez.


No amount of blocking pro white websites will save these Jews

U2 fat