The baby basket scene in The Untouchables has to be the most corny, cringe-inducing scene in recent cinema history.

6  2017-09-02 by ballsymcgee


Sean Connery won an Oscar for that pile of overwrought garbage attempt at a "historical epic"

It's embarrassing.

I wouldn't classify a movie made thirty years ago as necessarily recent.

I'm comparing it to that of recent. Your honor.

Thanks for your opinion gramps.

How do you feel about the current state of dance moves? Tell us why dabbing is inferior to The Twist and The Charleston

23 is pretty old

Is this the one where Capone bashes the guy's head in at dinner?

After a very mediocre baseball analogy, yes

I couldn't remember for sure if it was DeNiro or not. I don't think I've ever seen the whole thing.

You don't like the scene where Elliot Ness confronts Capone in the court house at the end?

What was the line? I remember it was very douchie.

Something about not giving up the fight or something....then "Here endeth the lesson." Atrocious.

Costner's relationship with his wife was equally cringe inducing. If I remember correctly Ant really likes this movie.

Just watched it for the first time today. I truly, truly thought that was his mom when the movie started. Fucking creepy.

It was a shoehorned in nod to Battleship Potemkin, a super influential 1920s Russian silent film.

Untouchables is pretty bad, and is quintessential Brian DePalma: handful of great scenes, but most of it is terrible. He's one of the most overrated directors I know of, he's up there with Ridley Scott. 90% of everything they made was shit. What a waste of of a David Mamet script.

How dare you speak poorly of Ridley Scott.

Um, it's possible Ridley Scott is an average director who got awesome scripts and producers.

That is 100% accurate. Some great scenes....then these weird, awkward too long scenes with the soundtrack not even working with it. Really weird. Won't watch again

Dude, dressed to kill and body double are the two best Hitchcock movies

I'll agree that Scarface and this movie are overrated but you can't deny de Palma is entertaining as fuck

It always annoyed me how DePalma was lumped in with the other 70's "Hollywood Brats" like Scorsese, Coppola, and Spielberg. He definitely isn't one their level.

And you're right about Scott. If not for Alien and Blade Runner both being so influential (it doesn't help that he's been George Lucas-ing both films with belated prequels and unnecessary re-re-releases) the rest of his filmography is rather ho-hum and mediocre.

You forgot to mention the Duellists.

You're muckin' with a G here, pal!

If you consider the 80's recent, sure. I think spiderman 3 wins mist cringey scene for that part with the emo Peter parker.

Honorable mention : Rocky V, the kid fighting scene.

You didn't watch hidden figures or Ghostbusters 2016 then

Untouchables sucked. Should have been good but it sucked.