Bow down before your false Gods

9  2017-09-02 by Suibu


And the neon gods they made.


I'm gonna turn the Cuban into a radio star ***sniff**

How good would it feel mushing his face into that bowl of shit until you drown him

Very punchable.

When is Trump sending him back to Mexico?

Guac more like he sucks cock amirite fellas?

Wtf is with Diiiip?

go ahead fat fuck. pound another nail in your coffin.

That fucking Alopecia moustache infuriates me. I want to burn it off.

He wore it off sucking Opies balls

Doing chip mouth won't save this homo


Ugh, I wouldn't want that face anywhere near my food. He just looks like his fingers are constantly covered in boogers.

2017: even the spics look like jews