Would you rather have a son who is gay or a daughter who brings home black guys?

15  2017-09-02 by sherrodbigs

Serious answers only


is there a limit on shade of black?

minimum Anthony Cumia shade

As long as hes cool gay Im good


How about gay son that only brought niggers home

And no possibility of "grandchildren"? This, please.

No macho gay black people. Flamboyent gay is fine

Greedy boy !

Is he a flamboyant gay or one of those macho gay dudes ?

Gay son, I don't allow black people in my house

Gay son our family has a no nigger policy

If my daughter brought a Nigger home she wouldn't be my daughter no more

Any faggot is better than a nigger and one brings the real state market up, the other.. well.

Is there even a question? Bring on the faggots.

gay son so i can kick him out of the house, i would feel guilty about a women kicking a women out even if she was a snicker licker

I have a wife who does that now.

...brings home faggots? For you?

Uh, duh.

That's a keeper.

Gay son, duh.

Can I fuck the son?

i have terrible floorboards in my house, so i'll naturally go with the black gentlemen

Gay son. I hear they're good at interior design.

Either way my kids getting aids.

Good stuff

Daughter of course, the son can bring any faggot from white to black and everything in between.

Faggots kill themselves with aids. Niggers kill YOU with bullets. Gays, not even a question

But haven't you heard about LGBTQ gangs taking back the streets? If not there is a documentary from Louis CK and Steve Buscemi that may enlighten you.

I'm sure if Ant read these responses he would regret slamming the closet door instead of just stepping out of it during the Sue debacle.

daughter who brings home blacks so I can use him on my flag football team

I could do with a fashion consultant.

gay son

Whichever. I'll support my children no matter what they legally do with their genitals.

You guys are missing the huge pro! I choose blacks because then I can do a Get Out switcheroo with them and be in better shape!

I actually remember erock saying he wouldn't allow his daughter to bring home a darkie on OnA. Kind of surprised me hearing that come from the sex bagel and not antwon

this is the dads kobayashi maru

I'd rather have a gay son that brings home black guys.

Do you think Vinnie Brand wishes he had a gay son instead of a coal burning daughter?

The fag

Gay son

A gay person is actually a person.

