I wonder why this sweet boy can't find a nice lady.

22  2017-09-02 by RBuddCumia


Because he's old and living in the past?

Not if you already poured it in a glass and drank from it you idiot, mouths have germs. Especially yours.

Based on his life style, a penicillin smoothie is probably good for him.

How about a well endowed African American gentleman in his mouth and ass.

I see Jim has some family over, how nice.

Are you calling Jim mold?

Why is Jim posting pictures of his bed?

Yer right that little mug should clean his fridgaroo out more often.

This is how hoarding starts out

Jim saved a 13" CRT monitor until 2012, he's an absolute hoarding asshole.

I Know, who the fuck still uses Bluetooth?

"You are blocked from following @JimNorton and viewing @JimNorton's Tweets."

Oh well.. looks like my source of hard hitting news and wisdom has dried up.

What'd you do to piss him off?

Called him out for re-tweeting Gofundme scams related to hurricane Harvey. Only tweet him 2 or 3 times a year, this one was insta-block.

Nothing new here, but holy fuck that insecure closeted homo is as thin skinned as Tits Grandeur.

Powerhouse Slam!

44seconds ago? are you Jim Norton?

Are you calling Jim mold?