What do people on this sub think about Joe Rogans podcast?

2  2017-09-02 by Lilcumia

Duno why this sub gives him shit.


When he has a good guest on I'll watch it. And he deserves credit for having controversial people on and not just browbeating them, which gets him shit. But he's still a dumb faggot dwarf.

I've listened to at least 500 episodes of Rogan's podcast. It's really good. But, come on, you gotta admit that the guy has personality quirks that make him a huge target for roasting. The joerogan2 types were complete fags because they put Rogan on a pedestal and were acting like scorned heartbroken lovers who'd been terribly let down when Rogan acted as he really is instead of as how some psycho fan imagined him to be. But the Rogan worshippers who act like there's nothing about Joe worth fucking with him about are one and the same as the joerogan2 losers. Joe just hasn't broken their precious little hearts yet. Stop being so literal anyway. People here just like fucking with their favorite comics for sport. The only people everyone hates and rightly so are Opie & Brother Joe. Not even Schumer rises to the level of those two

I'm not just fucking with him, I think he's one of the worst successful comics around today. His stand up has never made me laugh. And I don't even know if his show can be good because he's good. It's more because he'll have people on no other major podcast will without just bringing them on to tell them how terrible their right wing views are. But even when he's having an interesting guest on he ruins with dumb stoner bullshit like "we don't need a president maaaaaahn. We just need a council of geniuses to make our decisions for us."

He's good as an MMA commentator, though. But that doesn't take humor or vast knowledge.

It really depends on who he's talking to. He tried to verbally manhandle Gavin and Milo on the subject of religion but when Peterson said "you have to be more sophisticated than that" Joe shut up and listened in awe. Gavin and Shapiro made the same point on fracking and Joe called Gavin delusional. Crowder says the dude weed culture could be damaging and got called a fuck face. I think he's a lot farther to the left than he lets on but if he thinks his conservative guest is smarter than he is he shuts the fuck up.

Him and Bill Burr are the classic South Park republicans. So pretty much libertarian, but also hates corporations.

Well, Milo comes off like he's trolling about being really religious, and Gavin timing his religious conversion to when he was hoping Hannity was going to have him be his Dennis Miller was suspicious, so they deserved it. And Rogan was drunk and grumpy so went off on Crowder and apologized.

I'm not saying he isn't left wing. He sounds completely left wing on everything but guns, it's just that identity politics have alienated him. But I'm just saying he doesn't bring anybody on for a hatchet job. He'll challenge people, but they're not being set up like Marc Maron attempted to do to Gavin that time.

He doesn't have right wing people on and then tell them they're stupid. The closest I've seen to the picture you're painting there was when quasi-retard Gavin McInnes was on, recruiting for his gay degenerate cult and explaining that he believed in God (as a literal bearded sky-man) because he personally can't comprehend the complexity of the human anklebone.

I'd go so far as to say the opposite is more true. He'll have conservative icons on and they'll talk politics for 3 hours; and then he'll have on liberals and they talk about random bullshit most of the time so he doesn't have to constantly question their logical fallacies and subsequently get branded as an SJW target.

Rogan ain't that bad, all his negative qualities just get amplified because teenage mouth-breathers try to elevate him to demigod status.

I take how lightly this sub goes after Rogan as a sign of ultimate endearment. I mean, all we really do is rag on his height and stature.

Listen to his last podcast with Weinstein and Peterson, he's actually really good at hosting interesting people, so for that, we target him in a way that would probably make he himself laugh at the silliness of it all.

It's the best podcast out by far.

More and more he has been drinking during the podcasts and he gets weirdly aggressive and argumentative, but that's the only complaint I have.

His last podcast was really funny. He had two professors on, and he kept trying to interject with something intelligent and interesting, but he had no confidence and misspoke every time because he was worried he'd sound dumb. They just dismissed what he said more than a couple times, as they should have. It was a format he had never done before and I don't think anyone else would have had the balls to do it.

wanna meet up do blow and listen to rogan

My only complaint is he gets extremely repetitive after having seen his show hundreds of times and almost everyday for two ish years.

Like you know what his profound takes and ideas are going to be before he brings them up. For example, EVERYONE should take psychedelic drugs, when clearly that isn't the case.

Have ANY problem? it can be cured through isolation tanks, yoga, breathing, weeeeeed man, or ONNIT Supplements, so no worries.

I'll give him credit though as he works super hard and occasionally does say some really smart stuff

I just appreciate the fact that he doesn't use a fake radio voice when he's doing stuff. I can't fucking stand that shit.

I used to listen when he had interesting guests, but I got tired of his snake oil salesman crap (onnit, kettle bells, float, cryofreeze) and some of his guests are just similar in that sense.

He's a buffoon.

William Randolph HEARST

I think that if everyone listened to his podcast, did shrooms and ecstasy and used alpha brain, the world would be a beautiful place.

Still love and listen to the podcast weekly, but love the earlier episodes with Redban much more. Plus I'm not a big fan of how he flip-flopped every stance he's had now that he has nasa and government buddies.

I liked when it was him and that ketamine snorting retard redban talking into laptops. Now hes crying calling women the best fighters of all time.

ketamine is fun

He's not even remotely funny. He's very obviously gay. He has the voice of an 11 year old boy. He horribly mispronounces words and names after hearing someone else repeatedly say them correctly or while reading them off of a monitor. He's extremely stupid. Weeeeeed maaan.

But yeah, I "duno" why he gets shit either, because I'm a complete retard just like you, OP.

This is my favorite one so far: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6G59zsjM2UI&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=PowerfulJRE

The guy can host a show, but it pays to have on provocative, interesting guests, which is the only time i really listen to the thing. What Joe needs to do is have more debates like the whole Sam Harris/Hannibal Buress debacle. Bring on people like Lauren Duca and Abby Martin, and have them test their mettle against the likes of Bret Weinstein and Jordan Peterson. Bring in that shithead Linda Sarsour under false pretenses and have her square off against Harris, Ayaan Hirsi-Ali and Maajid Nawaz so they can trow her a beatin'. He needs to expand and explore it more.

Joe is the gift that keeps on giving thanks to the podcast. As long as he keeps doing it he'll provide an endless supply of goofy shit to point out and dwell on mockingly. He's not funny and he's usually douchey as fuck but he's still somehow a likeable conversationalist. His whole enterprise does rest on the calibre of the guests, though. It's an easy show to tap out on if Joe has to be the most captivating guy in the room.

That's O-N-N-I-T people and don't forget to use code Joe Rogan for a 40% discount.

Without his podcast i don't know where I'd go for theories on gigantopithecus.

He's a one-note meathead who is sometimes funny and gets good guests on occasion.

I'm so tired of hearing his mucous laden throat clears while he talks about how crazy it is that weed is illegal and william randolph hearst outlawed it because of hemp for the millionth fucking time

"you go to the top of the mountain.theres a lion. the guide steps on the lions tail and you have to get some of its saliva when it roars. thats the drug. you take it and trip for 3 days,and at the end you see your personal version of God. mine was the dad from ALF..."

His ambition outweighs his talent. Which is fine in and of itself, however his portrayal of an "enlightened" man fails to laugh at himself.

Joe's a smart dumb-person who got a glimpse of what the brain is capable of through psychedelics, but doesn't have the raw IQ to say anything interesting or worthwhile sober.

His positions on most topics are predictable once you've listened to a few episodes and the 5 second google fact checking he has Jamie do when attempting to challenge/refute a more intelligent guest can be infuriating if you've spent much time in academics.

That said, he seems like a genuinely good dude who would be fun to hang out with. He's just unable to hang with some of his more intelligent guests.