Tig wins. She has defeated your precious 'Louie'. By the rules of O&A, she is now Supreme Master and Leader.

0  2017-09-02 by Suibu

All your base are belong to us.


All your base are belong to us.

Jesus. This subreddit really is a decade in the past.

It's almost two decades now.


I am 13 yo girl and I know nothing about this.

will ask uncle Anthony, maybe he will know.

I was pimp in 1997, ten years goes by so fast.

this sub has been shitting on louie since he did that season with the fat girl giving a body positive speech on his show...

tig is late to the game

God that episode sucked. I still haven't finished the last season of louie

Hated Louie for years. Fuck Tig as well, enemy of my enemy or someshit.

That's not how that saying goes!

The left is eating their own, we love it.

Remember when Louie fell in love with that woman who didn't speak English and had a big nose? Fucking deep.