I was banned from r/pics for the E-Rock post.

96  2017-09-02 by Martillo_Valentine



Your last reply, what a rascal.

Oh no how awful

you went up against the powerful retard lobby and lost

How would they know you're not his cousin?

The Nagel seed is potent, after all.

They get so many requests they him by name now over there.

Time to try some other subreddits. I know there are a bunch of them that are completely about circle jerking over "feel good" news and pictures and whatnot. I don't know their names, but I'm sure you can find them.

/r/happy is probably the most gullible one these days. They also get super offended when people post fake shit.

Maybe try /r/MadeMeSmile too.

I've never heard of /r/happy, but I just glanced at the front page and that place is truly bizarre. I can't put in to words the level of disgust I am feeling.


Fucking what?

I have to assume that anyone happy to be in the boy scouts at age 18 must be touching kids.

Some other Eagle Scout cocksucker unironically said "Eagles fly together" to that guy. The only thing that makes me "happy" about this is that both of those kids have known a level of bullying throughout their school life that will level them emotionally and socially crippled for years to come.

we heard you!

Some other Eagle Scout cocksucker unironically said "Eagles fly together" to that guy. The only thing that makes me "happy" about this is that both of those kids have known a level of bullying throughout their school life that will level them emotionally and socially crippled for years to come.


Some other Eagle Scout cocksucker unironically said "Eagles fly together" to that guy. The only thing that makes me "happy" about this is that both of those kids have known a level of bullying throughout their school life that will level them emotionally and socially crippled for years to come.

Some other Eagle Scout cocksucker unironically said "Eagles fly together" to that guy. The only thing that makes me "happy" about this is that both of those kids have known a level of bullying throughout their school life that will level them emotionally and socially crippled for years to come.

Some other Eagle Scout cocksucker unironically said "Eagles fly together" to that guy. The only thing that makes me "happy" about this is that both of those kids have known a level of bullying throughout their school life that will level them emotionally and socially crippled for years to come.

Some other Eagle Scout cocksucker unironically said "Eagles fly together" to that guy. The only thing that makes me "happy" about this is that both of those kids have known a level of bullying throughout their school life that will level them emotionally and socially crippled for years to come.

Enough with the eagles! We heard!

Some other Eagle Scout cocksucker unironically said "Eagles fly together" to that guy. The only thing that makes me "happy" about this is that both of those kids have known a level of bullying throughout their school life that will level them emotionally and socially crippled for years to come.

Some other Eagle Scout cocksucker unironically said "Eagles fly together" to that guy. The only thing that makes me "happy" about this is that both of those kids have known a level of bullying throughout their school life that will level them emotionally and socially crippled for years to come.

Some other Eagle Scout cocksucker unironically said "Eagles fly together" to that guy. The only thing that makes me "happy" about this is that both of those kids have known a level of bullying throughout their school life that will level them emotionally and socially crippled for years to come.

Your phone crapped out dude.

Some other Eagle Scout cocksucker unironically said "Eagles fly together" to that guy. The only thing that makes me "happy" about this is that both of those kids have known a level of bullying throughout their school life that will level them emotionally and socially crippled for years to come.


/r/freecompliments is fucking horrible. I want to tell them all to go kill themselves. They all just post a selfie and expect Internet attention.

As I type this out it makes me want to post pics of tits on the sub with a sob story about how his children aren't his and see what comfort he would get.

the all time top post there is just a guy going

"Im muslim! Upvote me!"

/r/happy is probably the most gullible one these days. They also get super offended when people post fake shit.

/r/happy is probably the most gullible one these days. They also get super offended when people post fake shit.

/r/happy is probably the most gullible one these days. They also get super offended when people post fake shit.

/r/happy is probably the most gullible one these days. They also get super offended when people post fake shit.

Should have done it with this sub and mass upvoted with a bunch of alternates like they did with Charles in the MDE sub


Pass. Me.

The Virus has spread too far

Oh literal /r/pics moderator!

there's no way that this is the only group of disgruntled fans of shock jocks pulling obsessive pranks. mods of reddit must deal with a plethora of this kind of nonsense. and most of them are probably high school kids.

the gig is up



Amy Schumer

muh vagina

They're onto you.. abandon thread

Some mod likely went through your history and saw that you post in r/Opie and Anthony. I'm guessing that's an insta ban considering this subreddit is not is not toting the over-the-top progressive line with the rest of Reddit.

Post it to /r/redditgetsdrawn

we heard you!