How did I miss this? Dr Ruth is a fucking horrible old kike

2  2017-09-02 by littlepeteferguson


Seriously, this is one of the worst interviews ever. Jim should have unloaded on her and he wouldn't because she's a holohoax "survivor." Boy have I had enough of Jews and their nonsense. I am very upset right now.

What do you mean "survivor," are you implying the Holocaust(TM) may not have occurred as (((the Media))) and (((academia))) tells us?

I remember when I u was in 6th grade we had a holohoax survivor visit our middle school. Right before the assembly was held I was in wood shop class and had just made a swastika out of hot glue. They told us the assembly was beginning and I had no idea what the topic or speaker were. I kept the hot glue swastika in my pocket the entire time.

At one point the Jew got off topic and started talking about how Jews didn't tell Jesus, the Roman and Pontius Pilar did. The school officials had to quickly change the subject.

Afterwards there was a book signing and I bought the book (I was only jokingly antisemitic then). While in line I showed my friends the swastika and asked him 'Should I show (Jew' s name) this to remind him of the good old days? '

Jews with their slippery shape shifter logic even the ones that were in states before,during,after war and never been to Europe consider themselves holohoax survivors

Fuck you pal!

sue johannsen is much better.

Love that dirty old bitch.