Radio War for the Planet of the Apes

112  2017-09-01 by NickDutchNinja


For Chicken Tenders

Thank god you didn't write "tendies." Fucking euroqueers drive me nuts with that shit around here.




Don't insult our European friends like that.

Fore Head

It'd be funnier if you had photoshopped it somehow

Lmao this is so fake
Sam wouldn't do shit for his family

Sam Roberts is not pleasant to look at.

he caught THE VIRUS

War of the Planet of the Apes was one of the best fucking blockbuster movies I've seen in years.

But yes, Sam is unfortunate looking.

Best part is that he thinks he's good looking with radio talent

It was surprisingly good. Woody Harrelson was surprisingly sinister.

Your vocabulary is surprisingly sparse.

This resembles Samuel

Dr Gayus.

I never noticed how un-evolved his nose is because I I am usually too busy looking at his mammoth forehead and nigger hair.

he caught THE VIRUS

I just see an authentic, original poster for that ape movie. Am I missing something?

whore for the planet of the gapes

New sidebar pic please

Don't insult our European friends like that.