Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers

9  2017-09-01 by RBuddCumia


sorry for your lost. no BS

This tweet is great because this man likes to gab this time you know he's being sincere and caring!

his go fund me must be exploding right now.

It actually is - over 140k in a day.

Appreeels Foooolllzzzzz


Opie is a man of the people.

Its not going to do a hell of a lot good asking Opie 4 retweets and 8 likes i get more by putting pic of my dog on twitter

Opie's tweet will do nothing for this kid. Why can't he actually help like Anthony, who selflessly offered to take the child into his home?

She died because her name was spelled Jordyn.

Anyone with a child is too old to be deemed someone's 'classmate'. I say good riddance.

Appreeels Foooolllzzzzz