Reminder: Opie is a grown man who used and continues to use the word "hater" unironically

72  2017-09-01 by Single_Action_Army

How dilusional do you have to be to label those who don't like you as "haters" like they just hate you irrationally and for no reason?
Oh yeah, Opie-dilusional.


Yeah and he's a grown man with a pair of tits too.

Misspelling delusional twice confirms you don't know how to spell and and shouldn't use it in your vernacular, you little stinker

Misspelling delusional twice confirms you don't know how to spell it and shouldn't use it in your vernacular, you little stinker

Yeah well you post in r/cumtown so I win

That's the bum version of ona with double dopie

That's a damm strong comeback.

Holy shit rekt

you got your 'illusion', then you add the prefix 'd'. just makes sense

Use Your Dillusion

hahaha good one fuckface

O&A Hater-Fighters.

Is behaving badly online a trait common to all old men?

Opie with his emojis, Ant with his twitter addiction, Jimmy willingly posting pictures of himself being friendzoned by Kelsey Cook, completely unaware of how undignified it is.

I guess because the internet wasn't invented until these jackasses were well into their 50's, they just don't know how to act.

Reminder: Opie is a grown man who used and continues to use the word "boobies" unironically

So did the other two senior

Opie is a man who has not had to confront reality in a long, long time.

No... Opie is right, we are elite level haters. There's no arguing it.

True but any vernacular from any era he uses always sounds horrible. It's because his voice sounds retarded. And because he's really dumb. And 67.

It's not surprising. We are talking about a guy who rollerbladed to work in the 2000's. Opie probably owns every version on "Now That's What I Call Music!" and listens to them on his walkman attached to his Umbro shorts.

Holy shit he probably does own those stupid CDs. He probably thinks he's staying relevant with those.

Did he catch enough shit for those rollerblades? Colin Quinn, Louis CK, Patrice...somebody must have shit on him for wearing rollerblades. I remember him bragging about them around the time Barack was being elected president. Christ.

Some other Eagle Scout cocksucker unironically said "Eagles fly together" to that guy. The only thing that makes me "happy" about this is that both of those kids have known a level of bullying throughout their school life that will level them emotionally and socially crippled for years to come.

dilusional? You fucking fuck.

All of the haters arrived at their disposition because their rancor was manipulated by back-stabbing puppeteers.