Did Opie ever has his own character traits that he didn't adopt from others?

8  2017-09-01 by Stankysnatch82

from his cadence of his voice, to his false pretence of being a sports guy or his buzzwords that he would steal from guests and co-workers did this human skin tag possess any of his own unique qualities or was he just the Radio version of the Talented Mr Ripley? minus the Talent



Leave STP out of this.


"The Untalented Mr. Hughes"

"The Untalented Mr. Titley"

Master of TITSguise

Title! Title!

I've been wanting to Photoshop the movie poster with that title for a while now, but lack motivation

Human skin tag ...thats a new one

There was that time where he was upset with a caller, and instead of letting the caller speak he just said, "How stupid are you? How stupid are you? How stupid are you?" At least 30 times. I think that was original bit.

To be fair, it's what everyone repeats to him on a daily basis under their breath. It might be a subconscious adoption.

Remember when he started using the word "donger" when they started having Florentine in on a regular basis?

"whu, ya wanna suck em??!!" is pure Hughes.

Totally disarmed and udderly helpless.

lol, udderly

Big boys got the big bat today.

Give yourself a bell.

Those succulent sweater-stretchers are pure homegrown Hughes

I don't think he's ever had interests of his own. its just what he thinks could go viral. Like, he never expressed interest in documentaries in 20 years but then all of a sudden he decides to do a documentary show. I never heard him once express any interest in food at all, outside of blueberries & poptarts, but then he gets a chef cohost & is trying to get a show on the food network. Never commits to a political opinion. Doesn't watch sports except he seems to be "all in" on hockey but really comes across as a mild fan at best

Never commits to a political opinion.

I always wondered if this contributed to Anthony becoming so hyper opinionated politically. He had to make up for the non-opinions of Opie for all those hours of radio.

Do any of you?

Yes. Malignant narcissism and a complete lack of self-awareness. He brought those both to the table from the beginning.


This is the reason they only had Go Go Harder in one time. Ole Opie was afraid he'd start to act like man who knew what he wanted.

What about when he didn't steal "face!" from ESD

Bling Bling Bang Bang


Ya his whole narcissistic deutchbag personality is orignal opster. The things he has stolen just stuck out a little more