Delusional Opie Tweets (1/100k): "well placed source" at SirusXM told him 100k subscribers have ended their account in protest of his firing

134  2017-09-01 by dmix


And miraculously not a single hashtag about it.

And it's so easy to get a hashtagging trending if you have that amount of followers.

I remember hearing that live and everything became clear to me as to just how miserable and empty his life actually is. It was a great moment for me.

They lost 100kg of titty meat.

Maybe a bit more than that...

Ah, bull-roar.

Remember when O&A fucked with Bobo and made him believe Sirius was having him arrested during a fugitive bit? I believe Opie does have a source and that's what this guys doing. He's pandering to Opie knowing he'll run with it on Twitter and this sub will just mock him when it all falls flat. Well played sir.

Yeah I member!

And member Lando?

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That's the best case scenario. Otherwise it's him thinking he's trolling us and being Andy Kaufman again. He's not that delusional. He's stupid and he's a cunt, but I don't think even the situation he's in now would drive him so batshit that he actually believes that figure.

If it's true he should know he's playing 150 folks at best

But this SUB is retarded for giving all that free money to di chip cartoon patti von O'Neal come pound cumui and all that shit

Which is the pink and which is the stink?

I hope it's that fat Nagel kid.

Remember when O&A fucked with Bobo and made him believe Sirius was having him arrested during a fugitive bit?

Bobo's as dumb as a bag of rocks but he went along that bit. He knew that being the retard was the only way he'd ever get any attention.

*fuchitive bit

"We have the fyoo-cha-tiv on the line."

(((subscribers )))

Not exactly the Vietnam protest most people are familiar with.

I wish he would use a well placed rope and just hang himself.

But he can only net about 5 likes per tweet.
These metrics don't pan out.

And he's had maybe 10-20 people he's retweeted saying it. If you're that diehard of a fan you're going to tell him you canceled so he can show the support. He should have 10,000 out of 100,000 examples minimum to show.

i've wanted to tweet at him that i've cancelled my sub just for a laugh. i wonder how many people are doing this out of those 10-20 people. hopefully 11.

Don't encourage his bullshit.

The fans didn't turn on Anthony until he went full retard on Compound Media. And when Ant was fired, three people showed up to complain.

I'm an old-school O&A fan, and I can vividly remember the RAGE I felt when they were nearly fired over Homeless Charlie. They were doing great radio and firing them for something a GUEST did was fucking stupid.

But by 2014, I was basically "meh" about Anthony getting canned. I sorta hoped it would kick Jim and Opie in the ass and they'd figure out how to be funny again.

And Opie's firing? Everyone was happy about that.

I sorta hoped it would kick Jim and Opie in the ass and they'd figure out how to be funny again.

There was never the tiniest chance of that with all the Opie pissmist pervading that studio.

Was the show ever popular? It seems like nobody care about it at all

yes, on WNEW in like 2002

Maybe like 1 year where they were vaguely known nationwide. They were popular in the Boston/NY area though for several years.

For about five years there, it was one of the biggest shows on FM radio. It was basically Howard Stern, Opie and Anthony, and Adam Carolla. Tom Leykis was big on the west coast but never 'hit' nationwide.

And it doesn't make sense considering most of his listeners are truckers, and they're not going to get rid of one of their only sources of entertainment.

Technically Sirius might have lost 100,000 in the time he has been fired. But 99,979 of those were unrelated to his firing.

And that many come and go during every year and it means nothing for a hasbeen leaving the company.

Agreed. I used to work in telecom. If you have 14M customers and you lost 1%, that's 140K. They call it "churn." Just part of doing business. Customers come and customers go.

Tss tss what r ya churnin butta it sumptin tsss

21 people is a rather high estimate

Your source? You mean everyone on reddit and twitter?

Could be the whole Philly Crew.

Doubt that bum version of podcast even have 100k subs

Why is everyone speculating as if this lying asshole actually has a source that has told him Sirius lost 100k?

Oh boy, he really is a sick, sick man. If he makes it to be 70. He's gonna be such a piece of shit as a real old man.

You got to love his enthusiasm though, he thinks he's a media mogul.

I like to think that Ben is giggling at his desk.

Opie is trying to pull some carny shit to sucker in potential employers. It's obviously not working.

Please hire me! Skills:

  • An obsessive jealousy over other radio hosts who get treated better than me in any form

  • Holds multi-year grudges that could be easily resolved but does not confront co-workers over interpersonal conflicts like an adult (bonus: with the gall to call Andrew "Dice" "Not-a-Jew" Clay mental for doing the exact same thing)

  • If you fire me for sexually harassing overweight men in company washrooms I will attempt to damage the company out of revenge! maannn

Even if this were close to being what? He wasn't fired for subs, he was fired for violating NY Labor laws taking video of Roland in the toilet. Besides, if you had that many loyal subs, they wouldn't have made you Jason Ellis's bitch, taken your name off the channel, and moved you to a shit time slot. Oh, yeah, forgot about that part, huh?

I'm sure this "Howard fired me" act is keeping Linzi from firing you from your marriage, Gregg, but it doesn't fly here.

😂 reminder that sjam is Jasons bitch too

Hahah. See guys, Opie IS funny.

Lol, he's so full of shit. There isn't a person in that building that likes him.

Out of 100,000 listeners that loyal why does he only get 2-5 tweet interactions?

It's nighttime in Vietnam, duh

Can someone do a bar graph of Opie's average daily retweets from 2012 to 2017? The downward trendline should be funny.

Even Opie can't be delusional enough to believe that.

Why does anyone think this is about Stern?

So he could never find out the listener numbers for his channel according to him but now he can find out cancellation numbers because of his firing. I hate that lying old man.

He's never had a source or any type of inside info in his entire career

Clive Darwin made me lol

The 100 000 lost subs were eaten by Nagel and Roland to celebrate Opie getting fired.

This isn't delusion - don't give him that out. There is a source who told him this, or there isn't. Unless someone at SXM is fucking with him, he's lying. There isn't, and he's lying.

It's been almost a full day and this tweet has 48 likes and 1 retweet. 100k indeed. Sad!

Opie should hop on meth before he commits suicide. He could finally get some of the fame he aches for. Ache for the pipe, Opie, and you'll get those fans.

Yeah because meth heads are so productive in society. Hitler was probably the only methamphetamine addict that accomplished anything of note.

I doubt Opie and Anthony had 100K listeners at the end of the run and you'll never get me to believe that Opie replace Anthony and Jimmy with Chris Rock's untalented cousin, a 65 year old lesbian hillbilly meat truck operator and a Cuban deli owner was doing Opie and Anthony numbers. How would they even prove that?

with well-placed sources, duh

nice try with the hate, tho

idk even Opie's awful (and I mean awful) videos on Facebook get 30k-40k views. It's more than possible they had 100k listeners. Most are going to be casual though, not dedicated autists like us.

Also paid subscribers is another matter. I've never paid XM a dime since I found O&A in 2009.

On average he gets about 3,000 views and most of those are hate-views if you go by the like/dislike button and comment section.

Tits pinned a retarded Trump/Caddyshack tweet 3 days ago. It has 20 likes, 4 retweets, and 6 replies, and only 1 of the replies is positive.

This is a self-sodomizing lie, as it begs the question: "then why haven't you started your own podcast, dingus?"

Who would trust Tits with "insider info" knowing full well that he's a fucktarded shit-stirrer who also happens to be incredibly dumb? What do they have to gain?

100k people had their free month expire is all. I just had to make another one today.

the comments underneath the tweet are making me horny

LOL what happened at birth for you to be like this Gregg

his dad was probably the same type of person with none of the skills that give normal people self-awareness (ie, intelligence, being humble, social skills, etc) but plenty that help create an imaginary force field to protect them from reality.

He can't get 100 retweets how is he getting 100k subs???

Shit.....100,000 peeps paying a buck a month.......dats some math!!

That "well placed source" is whatever voice speaks to Opie as his inner monologue.

Why do you guys hate Opie so much? Isn't this his forum, I mean it says his name really big and first. What gives, lambchops?

I was one of the fans who was really pushing back against the Opie hate for years. I still think he wasn't that bad as a 3rd-wheel co-host.

Especially compared to someone like Sam, who some people here seem to think is an improvement over Opie, whereas I can stand his voice for more than 10-20min, let alone listen to his uninteresting childish hobbies.

But Opie repeatedly brought this on himself. His untreated mental illness has made him totally oblivious to his own self-destruction. He continually glosses over serious personal issues as merely haters and dummies.

But even ignoring the endless examples where he's more than brought this on himself, there is no way there would be this much backlash, consistently over years and years, from some of the biggest fanboys of the show, unless he has some serious responsibility in the matter.

The fans here are complete assholes and often unfairly demand perfection at all times, and unfairly think he needed to be a comedian when he already had 2 hilarious ones on the show, but even if they are only right 25-30% of the time there has been SO many obvious incidents where Opie is more than enough to be the primary one to blame here.

I was one of the fans who was really pushing back against the Opie hate for years. I still think he wasn't that bad as a 3rd-wheel co-host.

Especially compared to someone like Sam, who some people here seem to think is an improvement over Opie.

But Opie repeatedly brought this on himself. His untreated mental illness has made him totally oblivious to his own self-destruction. He continually glosses over serious personal issues as merely haters and dummies.

There is no way there would be this much backlash, consistently over years and years, from some of the biggest fanboys of the show, unless he has some serious responsibility in the matter.

The fans here are complete assholes and often unfairly demand perfection at all times, and unfairly think he needed to be a comedian when he already had 2 hilarious ones on the show....but even if the people here were only right 25-30% of the time there has been SO many obvious incidents where Opie's is obviously the primary one to blame.

I was being ironic stupid nigger face.

Opie has nice tits

Jesus. Isn't it exhausting keeping track of and discussing every fabricated piece of shit this idiot produces? Don't you guys have anything better to do?

I copy/pasted a link to Twitter and wrote a single sentence and pushed submit. It's not like Opie is making it hard to point out his glaring flaws.

I think every time you guys talk about Opie stupid unbelievable tweets he puts his feet on his desk and chuckles to himself like he's some kind of mastermind.

Come on now he doesn't have a desk

That's a good point

Gregg Opie huge-tits is fighting the corporate powers maaannnnn!

How is that a big dea!? They have 30,000,000 subscribers it's 1/3 of 1 percent? That is probably less than their normal attrition rate.

Or in other words, the company retained 99.997 percent of its customers. I'm sure the 4.5 billion dollar company is just gutted that its qgonna lose out on like 18 million dollars give or take.

He has to be throwing this out in jest as a hyperbolic goof on his sad state of affairs. A rare moment of self-awareness and self-deprecation. He couldn't possibly delude himself into thinking anyone would buy this claim for a second. 100k people who were solely onboard with the platform so they could hear four unfunny losers cackle at nothing and swap recipes. What a preposterous concept. The amount of people who were so incensed by his (overdue) dismissal that they unsubscribed has got to be less than a hundred. His audience was presumably almost entirely comprised of hate listeners, those who tolerated it as white noise, and people who just couldn't bear to extinguish the OnA torch.

Scorch's bullshit was more believable.

He's just saying this shit to get people talking on here. Just ignore him. He's not worth talking about until Jimmy and A&A Jocktober him and then when he starts working for Brother Weaze.

How does he think they'd even track something like this? There's a checkbox when someone cancels that says "Because Opie and the restaurant guy don't have a show anymore" and that'd be in a database accessible by his "well placed source"?


He hasn't been wrong thus far so I'm willing to hear him out.

dude had twelve listeners

99,910 subs from Houston area haven't paid their sat bill.

How many likes did this tweet get - 27?

I'm sure 100,000 are all attributed to him.

That pic of him.....ugh.m, what a murderable faggot.

Larry in the hall,is not a well placed source.

This is a joke right?

😂 reminder that sjam is Jasons bitch too

Yeah because meth heads are so productive in society. Hitler was probably the only methamphetamine addict that accomplished anything of note.