Dr. Jordan Peterson talks about Opie...

5  2017-09-01 by InHell1979


"He has a second rate companion."


u kno it

I ended up watching Peterson's video on Postmodernism. Nice

My autistic worlds are colliding.

I have a lot in common with the regulars on this sub: RedLetterMedia, The_Donald, anti-SJW commentary, hard drug addiction, autism...
Hey guys, anyone else allergic to Penicillin?!

Relatively speaking?

Jordan is live on Rogan right now...

Been waiting for that since I heard about it a week ago. His first two appearances were damn near enlightening!

Need to clean my room first tho..

Couldn't agree with you more mate!

Right? I've never sought out lectures to listen to from any professor before.. Usually it's old O&A, some podcasts, but that's about it.

Been binging Jordan Peterson lectures! He's a brilliant dude, and really makes you question your life, yourself, your motivations, all that..

Also: /r/Jordan_Peterson_Memes

Love then Peterson.