Relistening to old clips keeping in mind Chip is Opie.

4  2017-09-01 by kangableezy

I can't help but notice Opie doing all these things that Chip would absolutely do. I've heard him take a funny sound board bit, and hit every button on the board whether it was relevant or not. This is absolutely something Chip would do. I know it was Ope running the bit into the ground. Sorry I don't have a link. It was when they were watching a child molester PSA video, and the kid says the old man touched his penis.

I can't help but say to myself "what the fuck is he doing" the same way I do at chip. I'm annoyed when i say it toward Opie though.

He really is a piece of shit right? Am I just following what everyone else is saying? I don't let it ruin my life, but I care enough to make post 1742943/369478367 about it.



It"s the Mr McGregor clip, which would be one of my favorites except for Opie. His audio and soundboard "contributions" need to be scrubbed from the entire archive.

that was his name. I remember seeing it on the video ona the other day. it was terrible. I realized i had been sitting there for a minute with no expression.

Another awful one was the retard being raped with a plumber snake bit. Anthony and Louis CK are being hilarious, Opie derails it with Kelsey Grammer, screaming and retards talking about poop sound clips.

He really is and has always been a piece of shit. If it weren't for ant and jim, that faggot would have been wishing for a terry clifford level radio career.

One of the worst things to ever happen to the show was Opie being given Homer Simpson sound clips.

Jim won't do Chip having a soundboard because that would be way too obvious.