Do we really want Louie to lose everything?

5  2017-09-01 by Every1ShouldBKilled

Has he been insufferable lately? Yes. A CUNT even...

But he also did the right thing and cut Opie and Anthony loose; not because his career was taking off and he didn't need them, but that he had realized that every time he'd set foot in the studio, they would only really kiss his ass instead of actually talking to him like the friends they were all supposed to be. The guy admitted that he listened to their show every day as a fan (not even as a friend), yet they all grasped at straws trying to converse with him the bigger he was getting. Certainly made the chances of having a normal conversation weird and strained. Even Colin pointed out that when anyone with influence treated O&A with reverence, they would typically crumble under it (definitely Opie would but then again I'm sure he was just jealous of Louie's success and the lack of props to Opie)...yet these were the guys that turned Louie onto 2 girls 1 cup years ago...

My point is; HE'S BEEN A CUNT LATELY, but do we really want his career over? Bill Burr changed because of his own cunt (Nia), and we've had legitimate problems with almost every other comedian from the O&A stable (that's still alive).

But there was never really an issue with Louie, and it seems like Tig Notaro is being a typical passive-aggressive cunt (i.e.: Woman) and just throwing him under the bus with no regard for ethics or loyalty. The man helped HER career; she wouldn't have the show without him, and now she's selling him out? Shouldn't we be attacking her, not him? Not to say he doesn't need to answer for forcing women to watch him jerk off, but compared to Cosby: There's a lot worse that could have been done, and no real harm came to those women in their careers anyway who opposed it after the fact or as it was happening(except Kirkman who just backpedaled when challenged, which just doesn't make her credible).

Why attack Louie? Is it just because most of you think he's not funny anymore? If that's the case, then that's just shallow...


we are just trying to bring criminals to justice

I don't mean to brag but we are very noble people.

He's expressed left-leaning ideals which makes him unfunny to this sub. If anything, sexual assault accusations boost his popularity around these parts.

I have left leaning ideals, Louis is an elitist cunt.

Louie losing everything is the only way to make him funny again

I'm on pills; there's no way I can read all that & stay awake

Just read the headlines like everyone else.


I hate this "scandal" because this equating of "creepy" behavior with assault or rape can be a slippery slope, especially when it's entirely rumor based.

Seems like you maybe raped someone?

No, your mother clearly consented.

OH SHIT this nigga got jokes

My man laughin cause HE KNOW


thats the other thing about this too

Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas, I say. But eh, what do I know? I just show up at the jobsite with my container of- WE GET IT.

coffee. You were going to say container of coffee. Can't pull the wool over my eyes, guy.

Louis became the establishment and turned his back on O&A the minute he got famous. They were as responsible for his success as anyone else.

He's Mexican deport his ass.

I hope it's true because I know it will give Marc Maron anxiety.

Oh literal every1shouldbekilled

He's no longer edgy, he's pretentious, he's become a liberal fag, he's started to take himself seriously, he's above everybody else and ultimately not really that funny anymore. His last special was fairly average. This shit happens to comics who aren't challenged and who have it too good. There's no more angst, no more fight. I don't want to actively take the guy down as I'll always like Louis for what he did with o&a. But he stinks now and there's nothing about today's Louis I enjoy. If it takes a flat chested cancer cunt to take him down a few pegs then ill definitely be interested in what happens.

