Opie Vs Anthony: Fist Fight- Who Wins?

1  2017-09-01 by EVIL-WEATHERMAN-666

If Opie and Anthony were in a fist fight who would win? would it be the same result every year? example: opie 1998 version VS anthony 1998 version, OR opie 2017 version VS anthony 2017 version?


If opie lands a good body shot to the liver, anthony is down for the count

Anthony, hopefully. I'd love to watch Opie be beaten to death.

How horrible does your life have to be to get a sadistic pleasure from watching a radio host get beaten to death? That's not being witty. That's just being a horrible person.

If Opie wore a wig, dress and makeup it would certainly give Anthony an advantage.

no bites barred

Opie has that mental illness rage--he'd fight much harder and nastier. On the other hand, Anthony is black. Toss up.


Tits for sure

Anthony wins hands down, While Bro Joe films it in Portrait mode

I get it. Because the Kumias are black.

Rick Delgado said Opie and Anthony would have some fisticuffs. I don't believe it but then again how many bulshit fan theories turned out to be 100% true?

I hate to say it, but I think Opie would take the W.

Ant would just turtle while Opie threw limp-wristed windmill slaps at him. There would be no clear winner or loser but solely judging on "who hit the other guy more" Opie "The Gregg" Hughes would walk away the victor.

Of course he'd tell the 6 people watching his pop-up show that he beat him nearly to death on the hood of THE Challenger from Vanishing Point with a road soda can.

People who exercise and keep themselves in shape typically have a big advantage over people who don't in a fight.

Opie would have the health advantage, BUT Anthony is on the roids & is used to taking some bumps doing physical work. I think a moderately drunk Ant might just psycho-up his frustrations like he did with Dani.

I'd pay to watch

if Anth used his special move ..... it'd be like Ant biting the hand that feeds, or summet

Opie is better than Anthony in every way.

we both lose