THEORY: Chip's mother is more than 'just friends' with Lamar.

144  2017-08-31 by Tronald_Dump_2016

If ya know what I mean, eh?


I don't know what you mean.

That's a pretty serious accusation to level against such a saintly rubenesque woman.

Do you know which planetary body her saintliness resides, though?

Wait....are you telling me he wasn't fixing the floorboards?

Cut that part out! My mudder said they was moving furniture in the bed room!

Dude hes just the milk balloon man

You're really crossing a line here pal. Better have some proof of these allegations !

my muddah is a saint on earTh

more like a saint bernard!


YoOOu wAsHTcH yOrE MoOotH.

It's pretty clear he helps her with stuff around the house. I don't think it limited to floorboards. Probably a fair amount of plumbing one pipe work involved. They're known for their work ethic.

I hear that Mr L is quite adept with his big plunger.

I think Reggie and Lamar are the same guy

Reggie and Lamar are probably brothers.

Theyre cousins

They're all cousins.

They all are.

You might be onto something.

Let's not jump to conclusions.

Hey, Delete this! She's a Virtuous Womaaaan!!!

Too many exclamation marks

I'll hear no such thing.

That's vulgah!

Crinkle about it!


This thread is fucking slander and I wont stand for it. SO I'M GONNA SIT FOR IT SUCK CUCKAS!!!

I'd like to add something here. We members of the United Floorboard Fixers Union are often maligned in a smear campaign run by the Floor Replacement Workers of America. Lamar is a member in good standing in our union, Local 69 <snort-laugh>.

Jimmy kinda stole Fez's whole "Handy Man Bobo" bit from the Fezitorials

But whatevs

That's vulgah

That's mean spurited

No, you see she just needed a lot of stuff fixed around the house. This is just a misunderstanding.