What's Anthony drinking during all his Chip Podacast appearances?

4  2017-08-31 by throwawizzlemahnizzl



Captain and coke

Kratom and Coke

Coke and Coke

Whatever it is, I'll bet there's fresh-squeezed tranny cum in there.

Well yeah

no one gives a shit

I would hope some kind of liquor and Coke. And a little bit of Jimmy's piss. Norton's working on a new character called Chinese Chip, who thinks a funny joke is to go pee pee in your Coke.

Sue Juice



Obviously nothing alcoholic. Don't you guys remember? He went to rehab to gain insight in how to live a sober life.

Vodka mixer so Jimmy doesn't notice and thinks that Anthony can be funny without booze

The blood of teen white girls.

Cumsy Spritzers.

Cumsy Spritzers.