Opie continues to blame Howard Stern for his firing

64  2017-08-31 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


"fire" - jesus man, you're 55 years old. Stop with the tween twitter speak.

Opie forgot to type in "a dumpster" before the word fire.

I don't know which is more stomach turning. That he's using 2000s rap lingo, or that he thought his show was good regardless of how he phrases it. Probably the latter.

I'm all in favor of the 'The JEWS did this!' argument, but this is beyond pathetic.

He needs a Howard response to get his name out there. He don't get one.

Howard has no idea who Opie is anymore.

lol remember dopie was crying hard when stern blocked him like a year ago

I not sure he ever really was all that aware of who Opie was. He was just one of many on a long list of radio guys who he shit on because they ripped off his format & style.

Sure he does.

He's a psychotic stalker fan that never leaves him alone. You don't just forget about stalkers.

Stern called him Greg Cumia

I like this.

Well, it got someone to start a Reddit thread.

Seems to work.

You know what would really fuck up Opie?

If this sub stopped posting every tweet he makes.

I'd rather continue to see the faaaawkin haters own his brain.

Even if this were true, and video taping a coworker you're fighting with while he's taking a shit was a non factor, is it better or less justified? The most important guy in the company has these concessions as part of his deal, you fucked with them. You're still a moron for getting fired. Can you just go walk into the CEO of your companies office? No, ofcourse not.

Oof, some fucker counters a hAYtUr with "You are wrong. The last version of the show was enjoyable and gave me mad respect for Opie. I loved it. It was a true definition of a hang"

fuckin lost it at "true definition of a hang." What a complete and utter faggot

367,000 followers and he gets 13 likes on a post

I have no friends whatsoever and my FB posts get more 'likes'

i can be your friend

i need to borrow $50 for my moms medical bills

Do you have a dog?

It's funny that Opie can't even change the way he talks and phrases things even when he's writing fake tweets. 'True definition of a hang' and 'mad respect'. C'mon. All we are missing is a sniff, and a brothaman.


Yeah because when you listened to it you want ed to fahkin' hang yourself tssssssst...

I like how he said almost billionaire as if that's an insult

Opie feels like he is the downtrodden little guy when he goes up against HooHoo. Delusional NYC penthouse living at it's finest.

Opie also said in one of his beach videos that his show made SXM "hundreds of millions of dollars".

Yeah, $600 million net worth. What a fucking failure.

He should change his twitter name to OpieAlmostRadio.


I can't wait for the day Opie fucks Carl over. It's embarrassing that none of these guys take responsibility

Carl noped the fuck out of this disaster a month ago, got a gig at ESPN.

That lesbian with the meat truck did the same thing immediately.

Tits is the miserable one. He's got nothing going on career wise, with zero prospects for the future. Everyone that worked with him or dealt with him during the Opie and Anthony time thinks he is a cunt, even Anthony and Jimmy themselves. All of his endless attempts at going viral with his stupid videos have gone nowhere at all.

He's a talent less cunt of a man, and it is great watching him suffer and lose his mind. He deserves all of it.

speaking of friends of the show, CK didnt have anything to say when both of them get fired

Anthony made it clear that Louis had an issue w/ Tits as well. I've been wondering for the past 2 years what he did to piss Louis off.

i think louie been on onj? anthony should mind his own business lol louis doesnt even acknowledge his existence

Louis could hate Opie but fact is Jim is still a great friend to Jimmy so that makes sense. And as far as Ant goes.. gee... I wonder why that could be... certainly couldn't have anything to do w/ the fact that Louie's has become a full on liberal elitist. I wonder what his celebrity friends would think if they found out he was asking conservative social pariah Anthony Cumia for help in getting a gun several years ago.

Louis is a glasses wearing queer but he's intelligent and perceptive. There's no way he didn't despise Opie.

Why don't you tell us how you really feel?

I am dumbfounded after reading opie's fans comments. I can't understand who likes Opie and why?

Have they never listened to anything else to compare it to? Are they retarded? Are they all fake? Are they the male equivalent of soccer moms? Are they soccer moms? It baffles me.

As soon as Anthony was fired I immediately gave up and I was sick of Anthony's obsession with blacks and government/political stuff and never considered an Opie lead show.

I remember loving the show so much in the early 2000's that I was worried what else I would listen to if it went away. Turns out we have a couple of options.

He's just got to "keep his name out there" for another month until his contract is over and he can announce his new raqio show or podcast, brotherman.

Love Carl's defense: "No one knew he was in the restroom until he announced himself and started making fart jokes"

So that makes it OK to then film him shitting and then when he goes to HR you bring it up on the air and retaliate against any other employees who took his side? What dipshit executive is going to hire this brain trust?

hOWeeRd StErN gOT oPPiE FiREd

I don't think Howard had anything to do with it

Arphel fells

also, one of his tweets today was that he attended Rollie Massimino's basketball camp as a teen. I thought he was so poor they couldn't afford brown paper bags?

You think he regrets not signing a long term deal with Sirius XM?

Opie got himself fired on purpose. I think he was also trying to get himself fired on purpose when he broke into Howard's office. Now he is just trying to connect the two incidents, because he didn't get a lot of heat off the idiotic way he got fired. He would have gotten a tremendous amount of publicity if he had been fired for the Howard office stunt.


If you can't spot the pariah in your first 30 years in radio, then you are the pariah.

If or when he gets a new show I pray one day he looks at the board and see every name is "Lyle or Edgar" than we hear a gun shot.

Best thing Howard has done in years

We should all be ashamed for trashing Howard in defense of OnA's honor all those years ago. This clearly inflated Opie's ego and paved the way for him to arrive at this pathetic juncture. It's chill-inducing to witness the Opie of today trying to posture on Howard's wavelength, as if professional disgrace after disgrace hadn't been piled on him after Anthony's firing. Yes, the Howard of today is a shitty sellout, but he'll always be relevant, and his financial bonafides speak for themselves. Opie surely hasn't consequently crossed Howard's mind in a bare minimum of five years; he was probably too busy hobnobbing with Gwyneth Paltrow to pay any real heed to those wacky bathroom shenanigans.

So he and Artie could be friends after all.

Carl defending Opie was pathetic, gotta get that last word in.

If Stern wanted them gone, I'm sure he could have not re-signed them in 2014, and just said "it's not the same without Anthony", and appeared not to be the bad guy. If he wanted him gone because he snuck into his part of the building, I don't think he would have gave a shit if he was the bad guy.

I'd rather continue to see the faaaawkin haters own his brain.