Louis C.K. forced women to say “I Love You, Daddy” before releasing them from his hotel suite. It’s also the title of his new film.

46  2017-08-31 by tonydogs


An evening in Louis' hotel room will probably more entertaining and memorable than this shit-ass movie.

I would still expect it to be pretentious art school shithead nonsense.

He's basically the only person still using black and white. It's already pretentious with just a movie description and I haven't even seen it.

I preferred her when she was underage.

Looks like Amy Schumer, before she turned into a bloated mess

I love that this tub of lard made his transition into auteur glasses and suit jacket as soon as he was called a visionary.

Seriously, he went from being teased by Leno/Letterman for wearing a black t-shirt and jeans, to that fucking GQ shoot in a matter of months.

Umm, yeah...Letterman and Leno have been gone from home a while. Kinda makes that 'matter of months' comment a bit incorrect, Sir.

Get this, he actually started dressing like this years ago when they were still on the air.

Nooooo...get out of here.


Who gives a shit?

Go with the joke. Defensive queer.

Great stuff man.

Good stuff.


Way to knock'em dead kid

I also enjoy bullying people that don't know how to lose lose Hahahahaha

"Matter of months" = between tshirt/jeans -> GQ... not from today to back when it happened, dummy.

Alrighty, you fucking authenticists. Jesus Christ. I feel like Vos after giving out my passwords. I'm in Houston...we're behind a few days. Or years.

Cry more, faggot.

These niggas thinking about a quip too much

Vos gave out your passwords?

Just take the hit you Opie level dunce

Shut up you mongoloid.

shot on 35 mm black-and-white film

Because of course it was you pretentious bag of shit.


Pff, I only like movies shot with 8mm on FILM. Digital just doesn't have the right 'feel', it's too cold and clinical, you know what I mean?

I'd rather watch Paul O's Gap. At least it has some nice tits.

And some chilling blood splatter effects courtesy of celebrated practical effects shop Benjamin Moore.

Christopher Nolan shooting an epic like Dunkirk on 70mm film for IMAX exhibition I totally understand and support. Insisting on film for something like this really is a display of directorial ego. But hey, if Lou wants to pay the extra for it, whatever.

the only significant difference between 35mm and a 4k digital camera is the film grain, which is easily added later. you would have to be a real wanker to insist on using it.

I think you're right. I saw Dunkirk in the theater. I have Netflix 4K streaming at home. I noticed that Netflix 4K shows, filmed on digital cameras, have significantly better picture quality. Better contrast, more detail. Dunkirk looked great, no doubt, but it looked like a 20 year old movie.

a real wanker

Ya don't say?

I recommend checking out Clerks, which was shot in black and white on film. It's a solid flick, man.

Yeah except that was done that way because Kevin Smith had a tiny budget. Louis the pale mexican is doing this because he's a turd.

I bet he grills with charcoal too that mother fucker.

The first film he's directed since Pootie Tang? Some guys never change.

Don't forget his moody depressing TV show that was occasionally funny and entertaining. Pretty much the same wannabe auteur shit that only an outsider trying to be something could make.

The only entertaining thing about it was the doctor telling him to stop being such a bitch

Remember when he went on Maron's podcast and cried about how good that dogshit was? The man's an artiste.

He's got some real oedipal creepy shit in his noggin, always talking about fatherhood and kids and now this movie title.


Innit the (Freuden) Oedipus complex with son->mother?, and the (Jungian) Electra Complex with daughter->father? Or i guess in this sitation the Electra's logical inverse, maybe the Laius Complex for father->daughter?

I'll go suck a peckah. It was RESEARCH... just researchin.... suuururee

I think this guy is not only a serial rapist but also a HACK.

His last three signature TV/cinema projects will be comprised of him...

  • playing a father
  • raising a daugther
  • having a similar occupation to his exactly prior job/social situation

Remember the episode where he goes to China for no fucking reason and wanders the street? The feels on the bus...

that whole season in particular felt like being forced to watch him masturbate in front of you...

not an artiste but a rapiste...

This is the same guy who flashed his dick to the neighborhood retarded child.

It's pretty astounding how Jewy he has become in the past few years.

Even doing a fucking show with cornball "humorist"old Jew Albert Brooks. Jesus Christ man. He's not even aged like his generation, he's aged into being like a boring Steve Martin era guy.

I feel like Steve Martin gives no fucks. He gets a lot of hate but doesn't seem to pander to anyone, bangs women half his age, and put out a rather great movie when he was Tranpa's age. (Bowfinger.)


He looks like a fucking dick in those glasses.

I'll watch anything with Charlie Day

But all of it is bad except Sunny, and even that is arguable these days.

Chloë Grace Moretz's audition process involved becoming an unwilling receptacle for Lou's projectile jizz.

I know this is a Kumiar thing to say but she never really lived up to the physical promise she showed as a minor. She was projected to develop into a world-class POA. All the nerds were high-fiving each other with admissions of risking imprisonment for it. Since reaching legality her desirability really has plummeted. I saw her in that awful Neighbors sequel nobody asked for; frankly, she looks kind of goofy now. She failed to have the Emma Watson trajectory.

It's not her fault she has the body shape of a fucking fridge.

Those are pretty imposing shoulders.

Toronto Film Fest launches 9/7. Look for some good ambush footage to emerge of Lou on the red carpet being grilled about the jackoff thing. Tig may organize a women's rights protest to take place across the street with gross chicks brandishing huge signs exclaiming slogans like "Masturbation Castigation."

Isn't Chloe Whatsername like 30 now?

I Love You, Daddy was shot in New York on 35 mm black-and-white film and was made with little outside attention.

Fuck you, Louis CK.

"I can't understand why he prefers them unconscious." - Louis C.K. quote about Bill Cosby

Pamela Aldon's in it?! No way!!

Half A Woody Allen

He makes them hold up bikini pictures of his ugly cunt daughters.

And so they should.He's Woody CK Felini He produced that Tig feller.

This entire movie was just a bold attempt to trap Chloe Moretz in a room and jerk off on her

Don't forget his moody depressing TV show that was occasionally funny and entertaining. Pretty much the same wannabe auteur shit that only an outsider trying to be something could make.

I feel like Steve Martin gives no fucks. He gets a lot of hate but doesn't seem to pander to anyone, bangs women half his age, and put out a rather great movie when he was Tranpa's age. (Bowfinger.)
