Joe Rogan spends 10 hours a year with his wife and kids

37  2017-08-31 by HomestretchVigo


Time is relative to a person's height, idiot

sometimes its good to make the same joke someone else did before, but not as funny

I left my comment before his by under a minute. The crowd has spoken though.

That's like 10 months in midget years.

one things this subreddit is good fer is knowing how to beat a one-joke pony into the ground while still keeping it funny

He's too busy feeding Onnit supplements to his chickens all day.

And a ton of time on the road with Tony Hinchcliffe.

I bet they have tender shower make out sessions.

Now i gotta beat it, thanks alot

You mean the kid of the stripper he married?

Sounds like a good fucking deal to me.

Exactly, merciful Rogan here

This Hannibal Burress interview is so boring I feel like one of the people listening to Ted Striker's story in Airplane!

Im pouring gasoline on myself right now in my car.

yeah that hip new film Airplane, I feel like Methusela reading this comment lol

What did you edit? Because you still misspelled Methuselah.

Oh interested in my process, my craft if you will... ?

Please civillian your pedestrian brain could not imagine.

pedestrian brian

Nobody calls Gilgore pedestrian and lives

Nobody calls Gilgore pedestrian and lives

tss more like Broken-Keyboard

yeah that hip new film Airplane, I feel like Methusela reading this comment lol

Is that why his oldest daughter turned into a ghetto black chick?

at least they're actually his kids.