Blond Girl trying to roast Bobbie Kelly/YKWD PC

8  2017-08-31 by As-You-Were

It was posted in here a while ago; it's some "up and coming" blonde cunt on a podcast of her own with a token gay and black dude, then some other unfunny cunt in the corner.

Trying to rewatch to get remad about it.

Anyone got it?

She's pretty hot, dunno if that helps.



Well do share!


Are you Opie?

ApRReeeeeL FoooooLLLzzz!!!!

This started in Rochester. I wonder if they also owe Brother Wease a career.

This is the one.

Thanks man.

You call that hot? ew man

really dude your standards are pretty fucking low if you call that droopy faced plain jane "pretty hot"

You telling me you'd say no?

Didn't realise her eyes were as baggy though! It had been a while, cut me some slack!!

Complaining about production value while echoing in an empty art studio

the bags under that bitches eyes have bags under them. ive never seen someone have 4 sets of bags under their eyes


Fuckin suitcases under her eyes!