master joke sculptor and comedy virtuoso explains a joke for 10mins thinking he is speaking in secret jew code

18  2017-08-31 by fish_flower


What an overrated sack of shit. He has never once made me laugh. Without Larry David writing for him, he would've faded into obscurity with the rest of the hacks from the 80's.

Are you not aware jerry co-wrote the episodes? They also had a decent sized writing staff

"Co-wrote" can mean anything. It could literally just mean that he was in the writing room and didn't contribute anything besides "support".

There are a ton of comedians from the 80s who's stuff wouldn't crack a smile today. The difference is that Jerry stopped developing himself as a comedian after his show became successful. He stopped trying and never grew beyond a mediocre jewish NYC comedian who got lucky with a TV show.

He might not be totally useless and he played the deadpan role perfectly in Seinfeld. He's just far from the genius that he both a) gets credit for being and b) he obviously believes he is.

So his smug unfunny attitude today is enough for me to hate Jerry because it's mostly not grounded in reality and he's too dumb to see through the yes men around him.

he played the deadpan role perfectly in Seinfeld.

No he didn't. He broke character in every scene. Show me one scene where he was supposed to be serious and didn't crack a smile.

I suppose that's true, but isn't he also the co-ceator and executive producer(this title could actually mean anything). I'm pretty sure he is the only person who has the same exact credits as David on the show

I still don't know if he was serious there. How can you really think only people would get this? Does he think no one who isnt jewish is aware of jewish stereotypes? Boy, do I have got news for you.

at least we know 1 comedian has never seen this sub

Two Jews walk into a bar...they own it!!

Opie And Anthony: Jay Mohr on Seinfeld 3.16.09

I love how he had to stop himself from saying goyim instead of gentiles

We're just civilians.

I'm baffled Norm and Adam didn't get it

If Norm didn't get it, it's because it wasn't funny. And if it wasn't funny, it's because Seinfeld said it without Larry David writing it for him. Jerry is the purest example of overrated.

Adam Eget really does have the mind of a child.

I liked it when norm snapped at him for explaining stuff 2 seconds after jerry. Apart from that he does nothing for me

That's autism for you.

I have an even better joke...

Two black business men.


Kike who got famous via Jewish nepotism, and because he was on extremely successful show about his life as a comedian, people wrongly project that success and greatness on to his standup comedy itself.

Seinfeld did 9/11

he certainly did his part to provoke it...

Jesus, Jerry is a hack. Better version of this joke

"Server walks up to a table of jews and asks, "Is anything ok?

Jews complain, we get it.

Hold On! Hold On! Hold On! Hold On! Hold On!...

... Jerry Seinfeld is a Jew?

The most fraudulent man in comedy. Does comedy during the 80s stand up boom, is the best and doing shit jokes, then makes hundreds making a show that is almost entirely the creation of another guy. Seinfeld should never appear in public in case people recognise him for the fraud he is.

then makes hundreds

Perhaps more than that

I forgot to include millions. I am a cunt.

i actually saw his standup once and he killed it. i think keith robinson opened for him but it might have just been some other nigger.

please edit out the curse word as soon as you read this, sir!

i actually saw his standup once and he killed it. i think ----- robinson opened for him but it might have just been some other nigger.

I ended up watching the whole thing from the beginning and I was expecting it to be awful, but it wasn't actually that bad at all. Norm is pretty funny, makes up for Jerry's self-obsession.

He's so REAL, man, because he doesn't like other people talking to him or looking at him and he's so BRUTALLY HONEST about the fact he's an arrogant cunt. You guys just don't get it.

This dull faggot owes his life to Larry David.

Jerry Seinfeld is fucking annoying

Is the serie Seinfeld any good, considering the moderate views on Jerry around here ?

I liked this part of the episode. I didn't get the joke until was explained, guess im retarded.

he certainly did his part to provoke it...