I tried to warn this sub about Tig Notaro 2 years ago and I was mocked

20  2017-08-31 by RapistWithAIDS


From that thread:

[–]katrinagg -5 points 2 years ago You are very perceptive about her narcissism, and about how artificial and unpleasant she is. I have heard awful awful things about her. But, just recently I became interested in finding out more because I began to see that perhaps her cancer story was contrived. Some research led me to this http://henypire.blogspot.com/2015/03/did-tig-notaro-have-feritlity.html http://henypire.blogspot.com/2014/01/should-tig-notaro-win-grammy-for-best.html Something is wrong here.

What?? This is the last place on reddit I expect someone to be mocked!

A Tig Notaro anagram is "a tot groin"... shuuuuuuure.

Oh uncle paul

hey fella im sure it was just a good natured ribbing.

All of my rambling psychotic manifestos are true too but you don't see me bragging about it.

/u/opiesucks Was on board with the Opie hate when the show was still going, now look at this place

He was conductor of the Opie hate train before anyone else and was mocked for it. He should be a mod more than anyone else imo.

Especially you, you nigger mod.

Keep doing other peoples bits in a shitty way you bring nothing to the sub faggot.

Will do! :)

Yeah you must be the only good looking member of the sub. Delusional retard.

Go jerk off cbanks 4 chan faggot.

Sounds like you are going to go watch wolf of wall street and eat doritos.

Doritos are for unhealthy losers.

Don't even know what 4chan really is, but from your in depth knowledge of it are you sure you aren't a 4chan loser?

Ok we're both not 4chan losers.

Ok we're both not 4chan losers.

We should've listened

I didn't mock you. not a crazy ex. plse read and share http://alisablogq.blogspot.com/2017/07/dismissed-in-interests-of-justice.html?m=1

Jesus, this Tig dude has some serious issues.

Which is weird because usually crazy people are funny and interesting.

There is good crazy and bad crazy I learned. Did you read it? Sorry it's so long but my god it was longer. Thank you.

Its mental, and according to others, she has the Krolls bankrolling her.

Yes there are others. Daniel Tosh even tried to out kroll in a very strange way. He knows about Nick paying for play etc. So mental. thank you for reading. means a lot.

It is extremely long. So are most videos trying to expose a Tig.

I think the people trying to share dirt on her would do better if they narrowed it down to bullet points of what her lies and fucked up acts are, rather than long, ranting blog posts and videos that tell every detail in real time and never get to the point.

Hello exactly!

truth is the whole justice system in that case needs to be exposed so ... but I appreciate your comment. I want her to do down of course but she is doing that by herself. It's amazing to see.

It's a compelling story, but you need to let the evidence speak for itself. You inject too much Tumblr-like narrative and rhetoric into it (calling the detective a Nazi, your apprehension at working with a Republican lawyer). I understand that you come from a certain political perspective and it's probably cathartic to write, but if your story is true this goes beyond partisan politics. If you want it to spread, focus solely on the evidence and clean up the mistakes, or risk discrediting yourself in the eyes of many potential supporters.

Great feedback. Thank you. I'm an independent so alienating any political party would be a mistake in general. I hated the guy for being on the side of the prosecution- like maybe a republican would be... but I totally appreciate your point and will fix it. The cop was a nazi. I'll go look for that cause I don't even remember writing that.. Can you tell me what kind of evidence you like or want more of. thank you.

As far as the evidence goes, total disclosure and transparency have to be your priorities. Everything must be on the table. Your story needs to be unassailable.

The evidence gives you credibility (it's the only reason I'm even replying to you), but it needs a more coherent and concise presentation. Your whole story relies on you not being a stalker, but the victim of gaslighting. Build an indisputable case by showing us how the parts and players fit together.

But we also need to know more about you and you have to address our doubts. Who are you? Why did you move to LA? Why are you in comedy? Why would someone target you like this? Why do you have a slew of other Tig-related posts on your blog that don't relate to this case? Why are you willing to keep pushing this despite your (repeatedly cited) poor mother's health?

If your story is true, it has the potential to be a bombshell. If it's not then you're fucked in the head. Post it to /pol/ when you're ready for it to take off.

Do you mean the evidence that's she's lying? Can you please specify what evidence made you feel as if it was a credible account to any degree. I wanted to go more into myself but it was very hard cause i don't like tooting the old horn. I was constantly told to move to L.A and that I had the goods etc. The last thing from a jealous or even competitive person. Never begrudge anyone what they have. I just don't feel comfortable telling anyone how supposedly talented I was said to be. Its gross to do that. I moved to LA for that and because it was cheaper than NY. I was older and it was to be my last hurrah. The other blog posts are all related somehow. I just have to count on others to connect the dots cause i'm too out of sorts to really pull it together most of the time. Why would she target me? I don't knw the answer to that. She had a look of bliss on her face when she did it. Maybe to get back at me on behalf of the ex friend in common. My mother wants me to push this more than anyone. She was there and she knows me and she witnessed it all. would a jealous open micer go to these lenghths and provide documents etc. I can't see any rational person coming to that conclusion. And remember at the time she was a total unknown. I am fucked in the head by trauma but the last person who should ever get a restraining order. I don't even pester people much less stalk em. I will try Taibbi. I know of him. Thank you. I will definitely take your constructive criticism to heart. writing it was harder than imaginable. Just reliving and having to not sound angry etc.

All of the official evidence was pretty damn convincing, but particularly the sworn eyewitness accounts contradicting her story, the written instructions calling for prosecutors to push the competency angle and the pre-dated legal notice informing you of new charges. Those caused me to raise an eyebrow.

In the end, a blog post was a good start, but polished up and fleshed out it could be a very interesting investigative piece. There's a lot of connectable dots here.

In any case good luck and godspeed.

Excellent comments. Thank you. I plan to type out what the doctors say soon. I did that for another blog on this place that shut down and lost it so I will have to do it again. You will find that mind blowing. It literally hurts to do something like that but it must be done. Yes, there are tons of dots that you are smart enough to see. thanks a lot. Good luck and godspeed backatcha.

also agree that the magnitude of what I'm claiming is the biggest challenge. I am making insane claims but unfortunately for me, it's true. I rather be a paranoid schizophrenic than knowing this all happened, but it happened and I'm just a garden variety depressive.

Well whatever you are, as a final word of warning: be mindful of where you post or be prepared to develop a thick skin.

I don't know how you stumbled onto our sinful altar to the legacy and continued failings of two washed up shock jocks, but simply cavorting with us is probably enough to discredit you in the eyes of a lot of LA liberal sycophants, especially if your internet history has been used against you in the past. You yourself would probably take severe offense with most of what's posted here. Yet the enemy of your enemy can truly be your friend, so consider wisely.

I have this stat counter thing and saw hits coming from here. I quickly picked up on the need for thick skin but found myself finding mostly everyone funny and realer than most message board people. I don't think of myself as any kind of liberal. I'm totally grossed out by partisanship. Lot of cute people in this "sinful alter." Thank you for kind words and warnings. My name has been so smeared I can't even allow myself to worry about internet histories etc.

I just read this and I'm really starting to become convinced that something is rotten in Denmark with Notaro. I think that your material is good but I agree with /u/HugininuM 's assessment that you've inserted too much editorializing and that the story would be much more compelling if it was edited into a few minute youtube vid. Great stuff, though, and it sounds like you've had a real run of it with that titless sociopath.

Thank you so much for this. Very rotten in Denmark. Will take all criticism seriously. Don't really know how to do youtubes. I get like a codger when it comes to anything too technical. Yes a titless sociopath. I bet those lost little breasts were full of venom. Thanks again lovely human!

I agree to that this goes way beyond partisan politics. I don't participate in partisan politics actually. Kroll is a democrat and so were most of the people in my STORY...

I tried to read it and couldn't get through it. I think the problem is that it does read as a story rather than a report. In other words, I think that you're wasting a lot of words doing things like setting up scenes and talking about your feelings rather than making allegations and backing them up with evidence. In my opinion, you probably don't have the skill to condense it sufficiently and you would be well served to enlist an independent editor (maybe you could get one cheap on a site like freelancer.com).

I didn't intend it to be a report. I don't think I talk about my feelings much at all. I agree it can use editing. Thanks for the advice. I will check out the website asap.

That's cool, obviously it's your work and you have to stick to your values. I just think if your goal is to persuade people of an argument then making it as accessible as possible helps.

I totally appreciate it. There is a great aversion to even go back to it, as you might understand. But I will and I will take your constructive criticism to heart. Thank you very much.

I don't trust rapists.

The sub has gotten a lot meaner in 2 years.

The sub has gotten a lot meaner funnier in 2 years.


You're the Paul Revere of the O&A Universe.

Well I'm not going to read your autistic manifesto but based on the 2 spelling errors in the title alone, I'm going to assume the abuse was because you're retarded

Haa, you deleted it because you were downvoted like a Reddit faggot. Haaaaaa.

No I didn't you faggot. How would I link to it for you to read if it was deleted, dumb fuck?

I deleted the account in an unsuccessful attempt to quit this subreddit

as someone who has ranted about the gross grossness of tig notaro for many years, due to horrible happenstance, I must say I enjoyed your manifesto very much RWA.

Sir/Miss, are you the same person who replied to that thread three years ago?

I notice any time Tig is mentioned online in a negative sense, you or someone like you shows up and starts sharing the dirt on her. If you're mentally ill or an angry ex of Tig or both, I don't judge you, I'm just curious

No I am the same person. I don't show up when tig is mentioned online only on rare occassions when I find out through my stat counter that a link of mine is pasted. I have depression but no mental illness that would make me make up stuff or anything like that. Not an ex of the grotesque notaro either. would never go near that kind of ugly


Fucking with Woody CK Felini is going to be this fella Tig's downfall.

Will do! :)

I didn't intend it to be a report. I don't think I talk about my feelings much at all. I agree it can use editing. Thanks for the advice. I will check out the website asap.