Fake-Booking Joe Matarese pt. 3

54  2017-08-30 by porsalin


OK I've tapped. Just emailed him saying we're going another direction. I have a line and that was it.

Well now you're going to miss out on his Tony Soprano impression and crowd work.

Tony Soprano impression

It was a verrrrrry difficult situation.

This was the saddest part

I can't believe he seriously said he could do some Tony Soprano. Like he's Neil Diamond casually playing one of the hits.

You should have responded with something along the lines of this

"Hey I told the groom that you were going to be the entertainment for the party and so he looked you up in anticipation and saw the Fixing Joe Pilot and well long story short, I'm going to have to rescind my booking."

My apologies, Porsalin

Yeah this wasn't mean enough yet. The grinches heart is still too big, must get smaller.

Ok how about adding this to the end of the email

"PS Do you know how to get into contact with that guy on your pilot, Artie Lange for unrelated event? Thanks"

also, if the emails continued for a while, then got so ridiculous it's on obvious joke, a good comedian would loff


When he said $150 I felt a wave of guilt wash over me. It's the first time that's ever happened.

Don't worry, he's not starving. His wife pays for everything. Paying him $150 just enables him into further thinking he's a comedian.


When he said $150 I felt a wave of guilt wash over me. It's the first time that's ever happened.

You're being very selfish. Take yourself out of the equation. You're doing this for the sub's satisfaction. Reply back and say you can only afford $95.

Don't feed bad. He's happy that someone actually wants to pay him for his comedy. Offer 95$ instead.

Mods! This man has a soul and has no business here.

i was yelling at you in the o&a theater for saying true detective season 2 and the wire season 5 weren't spectacular, but now you've redeemed yourself.

a smile from tha chippah is yer reward. :-D

Ok, I get this did seem a bit mean & we are nice really, but you should've asked / worked-out a crescendo for the bit. I'm MORE sad that you've ended the bit in such a lame way.

You should've watched Fixing Joe again son, maybe your testosterone would've returned.

Well the next step would have been paying the guy. There's some things I'll do for you peckah's but give up my Schekels?

Think of this as a bit of a fact-finding thing. We've all learned some things about this delicate faggot.

I feel ya' dude. I reckon I might of kept the convo going as long as possible, discussed the set, making increasingly more weird requests .... how much for him to strip at the end? learn a comedy rap song?

Few hours later... "Ok, I'll do it for 80 and a sub of my choosing"


All I said was:

"On second thoughts Joe - it's looking increasingly likely that we might be going in a different direction and the Comedy might be dropped. Thanks for the information and best of luck."

He hasn't replied.

It's probably better to let him think that the people trying to book him are flakes, and not malicious trolls on the internet.

Should have said you spoke to Vos he offered to do it for $97

Not sending him the money then doing a chargeback

Yay community organized fraud against a low budget comedian for the lulz. This is what the internet was made for.

it is

I'd like to point out that it's way more plausible that a comedian would have a set price for an appearance than a roofing company would have a set price for "redoing your roof". You can really tell this guy's never had an actual job.

Good point!

He had to learn how to DO roof work, because so many times there wasn't one left after his set.

$150? Jesus

Does anyone know how to pull off that scam where you send a bogus cashiers/travelers check for double the agreed upon offer, then say "oh shit my friend made a mistake, can you just send me the difference?" So by the time his bank figures it out, you already have his money.... C'mon gang, I know i'm not the only n'er-do-well in this sub

You just set up an account send the check and withdraw all the funds before it clears

LOL jesus


No, Jesus doesn't bounce checks. He bounces fools like theNig outta heaven for their silliness.

Do you not know how to execute it, or are you trying to avoid your second strike?

Just looking for an accomplice I can pin it on when shit go's south


Considering it's a federal crime, I think you should try it.

(I secretly love the idea, but it's here, so I have to be mean)

I feel bad for the guy

Yeah I thought it was funny enough til he offered to do something nice for basically no money because he thought it was a fans wedding. I guess I'm a fag now so nice knowing everyone

I'm not in the loop with what he's done besides be a cringey comic trying to get by. I feel bad that it's fucking with his life now. That being said OP should have responded with "WE HEARD YOU".

the sub has passed you by

Why is everyone assuming he's doing a nice thing? Did you seriously believe his "how much I get paid sometimes" line? This idiot is probably jumping for joy in his pajamas for landing a $100+ gig.

Yeah, but it's not a real gig. I hope not, at least.

Yeah. don't fall for his bullshit. Everyone uses the "I don't normally do this but I'll make an exception for you" line

Yeah. don't fall for his bullshit. Everyone uses the "I don't normally do this but I'll make an exception for you" line

Dude it´s clear he´s pretending he´s doing them a favour and acting like he normally makes a lot more. The guy would take 30 bucks if he had to

Yeah I am sad now

I haven't felt this bad since Breaking Bobo's Heart. I thought I was immune to this feeling at this point.

that still doesn't bother me. He's a retard. This is a husband and a father who cannot get it together whilst his wife earns actual money.

You are both faggots. Fuck this depressed hack.

Shut up Denny or I'll punch you in the snout.

I do, too, because this guy has been doing comedy for 30 fucking years and will jump at a chance to drive to some asshole's bachelor party for $150. Then again, the man should not be in comedy and should be a dental tech or the proprietor of a carpet store in Paramus.

In college, I taught kids how to yo-yo at birthday parties for the same price.

It's the driving 5 hours or less requirement.... holy fuck... the hourly on that would rival my Panera pay before Anthony got me fired.

Dude, me too.

Id feel worse for him if he wasnt carried in life by his rich wife, but..to be in the biz this long and going for $150....ouch.

What have we become.

I do to. Of all the people this sub shits on Joe is the one I could really see killing himself, and he's nowhere near as deserving of the hate as the others. He sucked ass on the Fixing Joe show but besides that he's just a sad, boring guy.

We all need to send him emails and double back so he has no idea what's real or not. You can't just shoot everyone down when you're desperate to find that one real gig.

This is probably very similar to Opie's current negotiations.

Why don't we do it to Opie then?

He'll do the gig for $150...

I take it Mrs. Materese has decided to leave.

Ew, he plans those shitty impersonations and crowd work in advance and discusses it? The whole point of those is to be spontaneus and surprising. Planning them is extra gross. Comics being industry and talking industry is the worst thing for their job preservation. It's already stupid when they do it in podcasts and it's even stupider when they are doing the road at their fans' places. Just imagine how disappointed an actual Joe Matarese fan would be to read this shit!

Wow, this got too real. What is Joe doing with himself?! He has more free time on his calendar than Vic Henley.

Vic does have his meat thing...

Auburn Tigers kick off this weekend... Wonder if he mentioned that wherever he may be.

we could have easily came up with $150 to make this worth your effort

Remember - that was his starting offer. Could have jewed him down easily.

This is depressing

Could you imagine working your whole life at something and making $150 a week on it?

I work freelance for $480 a day (£370) and usually do 2-3 days a week working in television production. I'm booked until Christmas and know exactly where I'm going and for how much. I've only been doing my job freelance for a year and I can get my shit together. Joe has had 30 years and his entire November is free and he's happy taking an entire evening for $150. It's honestly time he quit this shit and learned a trade.

I really need to grow a pair and start doing this. I've been working from home for eleven years, but I continue to live in one of the most expensive cities in the United States because I feel like I'll lose my WFH gig the moment I relocate to somewhere cheaper.

Starting my own business would solve that, obviously, but I just haven't bothered. I even own a corporation and a web site, just haven't made the effort to actually find customers lol

What do you do that you make 480 a day? I fuckin stink

I'm an EVS Operator - it means I roll replays, play stings, bumpers, EOP/BOP shit, make closers and edits and all that garbage. It's working mostly on Premier League games (Soccer) over here in faggy England. Great shit to get into if you can.

Great work

lets all chip in and get him to do a gig under the queensboro bridge.


Right next to the bronze sculpture of Eget's right hand is where the best work is found

Let's get him a gig on TOP of the Queensboro and see if we can get him to imitate Bobby from Saturday Night Fever.

Pop a few guys. $15.

Ok dude. Get your electricians certification or something. It's time to let the dream die. I'm pretty sure I make more than this guy and most of my dignity is intact at the end of the day.

stand ups usually make like 20 dollars for a weekday set at a club. thats a good night for most of them

Guess that's why he seemed so excited by the prospect. This was a windfall for him.

cool fake email pics, this shits epic


I could forward the emails

you could forward emails sent from a gmail account that you control, yes, and that would prove nothing

Ok here's something. I wouldn't have known his email address. Message the site yourself and when you get a reply, compare email addresses and his email signature.

good lord you are an unbelievable faggot

There really is no pleasing some people...

Well, if you're up for some faggotry I'm pretty sure AsianAnalParty is up to the task.

Message Joe through his website and I promise you he'll respond.

This just made me sad. I feel like Patrice when he first learned about Terry Clifford.

You want to fuck Joe Matarese in a way that degrades him?

"Since you´re such big fans" - awwww. Poor guy. This is great though. Hope we can make the most out of it

$150? I feel bad for Joe, but my dad was a complete nobody who played sax anonymously in bars on the weekend for $500 a night clear. What's still motivating Joe to continue?

This is cruel.

So if he's got a gig each week day he's making 40K. I'd also like to point out that would be $750 a week. The Hyena Club makes that in one day with the Opester. Righteous bucks!

This is delightfully evil.

Yeah, but it's not a real gig. I hope not, at least.

Yeah. don't fall for his bullshit. Everyone uses the "I don't normally do this but I'll make an exception for you" line

Yeah. don't fall for his bullshit. Everyone uses the "I don't normally do this but I'll make an exception for you" line