Odds of Tig Notaro Destroying Louie's Career: 100%

76  2017-08-30 by tonydogs


Whoever came up with Tit Nomoro deserves a peckah tug because I have been laughing about it for days now

It was u/sexylarrytate. A prince amongst men.

everytime I see her name I can't stop laughing

Holy shit that's funny.

It's a shame that "Tits" is already taken, another thing Opie has ruined.

Tss odds? why not evins or summin tss cos dat bitch onley got 1 tit or summin tss i dunno you do one

Tss odds? why not queers or summin tss cos dat bitch fucks anutha wuhmyn for plezure. Not like my muddah. My muddah's coota is completely unsullied

Tig looks like the dad on a 90's Christian sitcom.

She looks like a mix of Rat Boy from that old HBO movie and the guy from the Fargo FX series.

Thanks for that observation you vague idiot.

"Could you be more...specific?"



Buried that sock cucka

well whadaya know, autism does have it perks.

If anyone got my THX 1138 reference, I owe them one free kiss redeemable any time.

she reminds me of Michael J Fox.


That's a she?!

Jason Bateman

Roseanne makes it sound like there's an army of guys in the comedy world just jerking off in front of everyone in sight and getting away with it. I think I know what I want to be when I grow up now

Roseanne has also publicly argued that chemtrails are real. Somehow we ignore the fact that she's a babbling loon as soon as she starts accusing someone of sexual harassment.

She lives on a mountain in Hawaii and has to take anti-psychotic medication, she suffers from a series of major mental illnesses including multiple personality (personality? Mingia da kakkity keekity she's got a personallle-ah) disorder so bad it effectively ended her career.

I guess they chose to leave that part out of the article.

The Wikipedia says that she accused her parents of physical and sexual abuse (which they, and her sister, denied; her parents also passed a lie detector test) and then later Roseanne admitted it hadn't happened.

She sounds like the ideal character witness to accuse someone of doing something.

Stern used to rip on her for that.

then later Roseanne admitted it hadn't happened.

it looks like the only thing she really admitted was that she shouldn't have used the word "incest" to describe it

from the wikipedia -
But she still insists she didn't "make it up", adding , "Nobody accuses their parents of abusing them without justification."

I read Tom Arnold's book in 2003, he talked about this extensively. The difference between Roseanne and a homeless person babbing the street is money. She's completely out of balance.

to be fair, she was an amazing comedian with an amazing tv show too.

Doug Stanhope toured with her a couple of years back, he says she's still amazing.

Doug Stanhope is like Ronnie B, his word means jack shit.

I'm not a chemtrails guy, but mocking chemtrails is retarded. You might as well say "Roseanne doesn't even believe the official 9/11 story, she is insane!"

Joe "Placebo" Rogan - a man with a mind so open the wind blows through it, and who argued moon landing conspiracy theories with Neil DeGrass Tyson - told Roseanne to her face that people who believe in chemtrails are "fucking crazy".

I don't have a firm opinion either way on chemtrails and climate change but there's merit from both arguments. Geoengineering is real, and there is weird lingering shit in the skies appearing all of a sudden apparently. I don't think it's that crazy. Is everyone aware that all signs point to the New World Order being a legit thing that is being ushered in as we speak? But nobody ever even talks about it or brings it up, it's considered a conspiracy theory still.

Is everyone aware that all signs point

All signs. All of them.That "Right Lane Must Turn Right" sign? Points to the New World Order.

The "New World Order" breathes air too right? The exact same air.

I personally haven't really looked into the chemtrail thing and I think a lot of the UFO stuff is a psyop but I agree with your premise involving 9/11 and the official story there being patently absurd and a florid conspiracy theory in its own right. Also throw in the 60's assassinations (JFK, RFK, and MLK are all fishy as fuck if you really read broadly about them), the OKC bombing, Waco, Ruby Ridge, the Anthrax scare post-911, the 70-odd times U.S. intelligence agencies have sponsored regime change elsewhere in the world, the 1993 WTC bombing, and many, many other things, the real question is how can you put anything past the Federal Government?

I mean Roseanne could be right. Jim Norton talks about how he jacked off in the back of a car while Jim Florentine drove.

It's like that one scene in Crash (1996) where they pick up the hooker in the airport parking garage, except Florentine was James Spader and there was no hooker.

Aw man, for a second there I thought you were talking about my favorite movie of the last 15 years

no one's ever done that? i do that too. to be fair it was a minivan and i hid behind the 2nd row seats

Yeah. A fat woman with a sitcom.

if you put up a bunch of photos of male stand up comedians and said "these people are sex offenders" how many people would not believe you.

plus i guarantee you Mark Normand and Joe List have raped at least 1,000 women each.

I think that it has to blow up while he's promoting something. He probably didn't do it and I would defend him but I want him to be destroyed so he comes back and does some of the radio shows again.


I was half right.

And I was referring to his forcibly making women watch him masturbate. The final story was that he asked permission and in one case even refrained from doing it after being told no.

You know, those women should feel lucky. They got to see what every woman dreams of - a fat, bald, sweaty, gross man who's capable of ruining their careers whipped out his dick and jerked it like a homeless man on the subway in front of them! And he even ASKED first, what a true gentleman, and when they responded as if it was a joke a comedian was telling, not even the image of his pregnant wife and daughters stopped him from cumming in front of the shocked and horrified women in front of him. I'm sure the 5 cases that have come forward are the ONLY examples of sexual assault that he's committed, though, so they should really feel even more special.

I'd cut off her tits,but someone beat me to it.

Louis should shoot a new season of Louie with a story ark about a female comic who he hands a career but then doesn't even let him jerk off in front of her once in a while.

Can't wait for the scene where she runs to the door and Louis is trying to stop her wackily like a Chaplin rape flick. Accompanied by free form jazz of course

Pretty sure he already had a scene where he blocks the door for Pam in the last season.

yea his only recourse in the court of public opinion is to outfunny her and humiliate her which sounds like it should be his MO.

I hope Louis keeps ignoring this story so it keeps not being a thing anywhere but annoying sites like "decider.com".

Shame the cancer didn't spread to her lymph nodes.

if you google tig notaro cancer scam the whole things starts to smell. she said it did spread that forgot about that one. I would supply linkks to the cancer posts but I'm seriously so sick of this tig thing it's surreal. http://alisablogq.blogspot.com/2017/07/dismissed-in-interests-of-justice.html?m=1

Tig Notaro would be unattractive with tits

Hey did you guys know that she had cancer? And I hope she gets more of it.

Didn't he have a punchline once about fucking someone in her mastectomy holes? I'd say, get to work, Louie.

I'm not buying this breast cancer business. I just find it awfully convenient that a militant dyke who clearly hates her tits, has the perfect excuse to have them hacked off. Next she'll be telling us that she's got a terrible disease that causes her to grow a cock.

If I remember, she didn't even have cancer, it was a preemptive measure to lop them off cuz her mom had breast cancer.

That was Angelina Jolie

Brad Pitt left Jennifer Aniston for that bitch and she went and lopped off her titties, what a shame.

That is actually a conspiracy surrounding Notaro, you can see it here

There is a lot of weird rumours about Tig Notaro. There are people from her past who go around the internet warning people about how she is a malicious, lying narcissist who brags about lying, and her whole story and image is a lie. I know one of them once replied to a post about her in this subreddit years ago. It could just be a crazy ex lesbian partner or something

It is possibly you who is in the video I just linked

Ahh, the long con!


That would be a shady way of getting ahead in show business.

I know the video you linked is very tinfoil-y and that the blog online that gets into this is also kinda bonkers, but I think they have some legit questions. The inconsistency in Notaro's stories about her treatment are really strange.

not one bit tinfoily but it might come across that way. also cause something like this leaves you addled so yeah I do sound bonkers more than I want. this is less bonkers sounding ://alisablogq.blogspot.com/2017/07/dismissed-in-interests-of-justice.html?m=1

oh there is the comment. not a crazy ex partner at all. please read dear tig hating chum http://alisablogq.blogspot.com/2017/07/dismissed-in-interests-of-justice.html?m=1

I believe your story.

thank you. It's all true. Thank you for reading it.

She stuck her tits in a microwave

Let's run with this. I expect constant reminders.

on some site some comment said the scars didn't look right to them. if some amateur detective has the stomach to track down her scarred chest photos and knows how masectomy scars actually look. never mind no one but me would do that and I'm exhausted http://alisablogq.blogspot.com/2017/07/dismissed-in-interests-of-justice.html?m=1

Good, he deserves to have his career destroyed for catering to those idiots for the last few years.

Good, he deserves to have his career destroyed for catering to those idiots for the last few years.

Good, he deserves to have his career destroyed for catering to those idiots for the last few years.

Who has he catered to exactly? He's always been a fucking super artsy liberal homo. He just happened to be funny also.

He shuckled and jived last year in the most gruesome way for the progressive establishment in the entertainment industry.
Going on Conan and virtue signaling with idiocy like "Hillary will be a great president because she's a woman and a mom"? Fucking yuck.

Notaro is one of those militant, bitter dykes who project what their step dad did to them on to all men.

Ironically while looking and having the same mannerisms/cadence as a christian step father

Brilliant, really. If I utterly defeminize myself then mommy's boyfriend will leave me alone at night.

Titless McGavinport is basically a more resourceful Stalker Patti.

I would bet anything her dad did nothing to her. She likely had a nice upbringing with parents that coddled her.

The man DID help her career in the end. Shouldn't she practice SOME loyalty?

I'm tellin' you, everyone in this business is a bunch of goddamn backstabbers!

These bitches ain't loyal

So she stole a bit from Louis CK. He should sue.

The remainder of the season explores the emotional impact of sexual misconduct in the workplace.

Wow: this show sounds like not only a real barrel of laughs, but a seminal piece of social critique that's really contributing to the fucking, faggot zeitgeist or whatever.

I hate popular western culture.

You sound like "Eat a Bullet" era Jim Norton

Found the moe

wow. she's going to do a whole season trying to take louis down. what a super freak. but I knew that for a pathetically long time http://alisablogq.blogspot.com/2017/07/dismissed-in-interests-of-justice.html?m=1

She looks like Jeff Conaway.

This bitch makes Ellen Degeneres look like Scarlett Johansson

Tig looks like if u stuck tom cruise in brine for 16 years.

My God. She is breathtakingly homely.

She looks like John Fogerty

She looks like a vacuum sealed Sigourney Weaver.

I just think it's sad that the gay street gang documentary wasn't the thing to destroy his career. Sad.

The article has also been gaining attention for a passage in which Notaro states that Louis C.K. needs to “handle” the rumors of sexual misconduct surrounding him.

Sounds like a good ole black mail. And not one of those pesky black males that fuck your throat for $20...

She looks like Jim Chandler after 7 months starving on an island.

She looks like Rabbit from Super Troopers.

Man, I'll bet she has some really bad breath.

nah no one watches her shit show

Look I've never heard of this Tig dude but he seems like a trustworthy man. A real man's man. Look at that manly haircut and flat chest; why are we angry at him again?

Recycling a very unfunny Reverend Bob Levy bit with Lady Di? A-boooooo.

I think Nig is the one jerking off

That sounds like a fucking terrible show

She-he makes me revile chemotherapy.

Louie didn't shill for Hillary well enough and now they're letting his skeletons out of the closet.

Here's hoping Patton is next.

What has Patton done?

He said Hillary was "a total badass" a billion times, and somehow the obvious murder of his wife has never come up.

Is it going to be the Nazis' fault when this horrific looking show fails?

It's kind of Louie's fault for giving her a career for some kind of brownie points. She's is not funny in the slightest, so why else would he produce her shit?

This is why you avoid sjws at all costs

No idea what a Tig Notaro was but after seeing that pic I know all I need to know Louie is fucked. Gaunt vegan face. Family ties dad hair cuts. Probably sports a pair of problem glasses

They say you reap what you sow. Louie saw what he thought was a opportunity to promote someone and in turn it may be the reckoning of his career. Even if it's not true.

Tig Notaro looks like my dad

She's such a fuckin snake lol. The last report was how she didn't want to be associated with Louis ck at all cause of the sexual allegations, then puts the scene in his fucking show that's obviously inspired by him lol. still it would be hilarious if his career is destroyed by her simply because he was trying to prove to the world how big a feminist by giving her work/mentioning her in interviews n shit at the peak of career just cause she had titty cancer.

Snakes have flexible jaws which allow them to eat prey bigger than their head!

She's such a fuckin snake lol. The last report was how she didn't want to be associated with Louis ck at all cause of the sexual allegations, then puts the scene in his fucking show that's obviously inspired by him lol. still it would be hilarious if his career is destroyed by her simply because he was trying to prove to the world how big a feminist by giving her work/mentioning her in interviews n shit at the peak of career just cause she had titty cancer.

Pythons kill their prey by tightly wrapping around it and suffocating it in a process called constriction. This bot is written in Python

crazy as it sounds her best friend nick krolls' father has the premier "reputation management" in L.A so maybe a deal was struck - I'll go along with this cancer gimmick for those services. this is a long read but kroll has the power to save careers etc http://alisablogq.blogspot.com/2017/07/dismissed-in-interests-of-justice.html?m=1

Not up on this story, is Louie really fucked and do any of you heartless scumbags care?

*Realize you have same body as Tig Notaro

*Hang rope over rafter and tie small weak knot with frail arms

Masectomy? How bout an integrity transplant, hmmm? Maybe transplant a little integrity into that boy?

Can't wait until the leftist lynch mobs dredge up nice guy Norton's old O&A stuff and hang him with it.

Not sure about the rest of you, but I could totally see Louie locking chicks in a room and jerking off in front of them.


He's mad no one forced her to watch a jack sesh. Ugly ass man beast.

He's funnier than he is.



just woke up to all this and haven't read nearly anything but not a crazy ex partner I assure you. Please read. it's long but ... http://alisablogq.blogspot.com/2017/07/dismissed-in-interests-of-justice.html?m=1

Tig is rich and famous and can give one good shit about what you all are saying. She tried to out a rapist and you losers blame her. While you losers seethe she just bought a 2.5 dollars mansion. Spin on that.

ewwwww. this is how she thinks. I bet it's her/him/whatever


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"Too shocked to leave the office" fantastic writing there, this show doesn't sound like a heap of preachy shite at all.

Maybe his weird turn to saying Hillary was the most qualified person to ever run for president was him trying to wet the grass before the fire started ?

Thanks for that observation you vague idiot.

Ahh, the long con!

Joe "Placebo" Rogan - a man with a mind so open the wind blows through it, and who argued moon landing conspiracy theories with Neil DeGrass Tyson - told Roseanne to her face that people who believe in chemtrails are "fucking crazy".

Buried that sock cucka


That would be a shady way of getting ahead in show business.

well whadaya know, autism does have it perks.

I know the video you linked is very tinfoil-y and that the blog online that gets into this is also kinda bonkers, but I think they have some legit questions. The inconsistency in Notaro's stories about her treatment are really strange.

I personally haven't really looked into the chemtrail thing and I think a lot of the UFO stuff is a psyop but I agree with your premise involving 9/11 and the official story there being patently absurd and a florid conspiracy theory in its own right. Also throw in the 60's assassinations (JFK, RFK, and MLK are all fishy as fuck if you really read broadly about them), the OKC bombing, Waco, Ruby Ridge, the Anthrax scare post-911, the 70-odd times U.S. intelligence agencies have sponsored regime change elsewhere in the world, the 1993 WTC bombing, and many, many other things, the real question is how can you put anything past the Federal Government?

oh there is the comment. not a crazy ex partner at all. please read dear tig hating chum http://alisablogq.blogspot.com/2017/07/dismissed-in-interests-of-justice.html?m=1