Is Joe Matarese the creepiest mfer or what?

7  2017-08-30 by Strity123

Something about Matarese gives me the creeps. I can't put my pin point why exactly.

Is it because of How skinny and weird he looks. Or is it the way he always talks with that gay nasally voice, or is it his body language / gestures?

Never seen anyone here mention this but I can't be the only one to notice it?


a combo of all of those things. Plus hes a try hard

It could be all depression medication his wife has him taking.

When I saw the fixing joe episode, Materese had his legs rest close to each other like a woman while the other men sat down normally. His hand gestures looked unnatural like an alien's.


Its because hes a murder-suicide waiting to happen. But he'll probably fuck that up too.

What's a mfer?

Motherfucker. Wasn't sure if reddit would block my thread or not if I used the actual word in the title.

40% of posts here have an n bomb in the title

Puttin up the numbers

They would have. Smart move.

He's way too old to be so desperate and self absorbed. At a glance you might think he is just another guy who never blew up and is floundering, but he never even got to that point, where you have the potential to get bigger. He's like if Jimmy was still living with his parents and never got on tv or radio.

To be fair, I know next to nothing about him, but I doubt I'm wrong about where he stands. I only saw a bit of that Fixing Joe where Ant Jimmy and Artie were on it, and he made a fool of himself by being a weird nobody that tried to make the show about him like anybody knew or cared.

Puttin up the numbers