I don't know what's more pathetic: the obviously fake story or the fact that Opie thinks the movie "What the Health" is a credible source of information.

11  2017-08-30 by ReDMeridiaN


what's the over/under Opie sells the apartment and moves the family to the beachhouse?

I'll take the over on that. It's way more likely that he sells both in the divorce and moves to a studio in West Hollywood.

I need to see Scorch and Opie co-hosting the catering table at a wedding.

Everything Opie ever says is contrived and disingenuous. Every move he makes is for something he is trying to get from someone else, be it fame, attention, or trying to look like he is right about something. Trouble is people see right through it and take a quick dislike of him. Once the shock jock days were over, he was still acting like a jerk no matter how he tried not to. He is so insecure and easily butthurt. Boy is he hateable.

The Opsters fall has been steep and fast.

Not steep enough. Its not over and it's going to get so much better. Gregg's fall has brought me more happiness than I like to admit.

Greggs firing has been like a gateway drug to me. I'm now addicted to my daily fix of his failure.

What entertainment has Tits provided? No one listened for him. He's not funny or interesting and he is clearly below average intelligence. What a delusional weirdo.