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41  2017-08-30 by JespyZero


She looks like a bag full of pooped shorts.

This is the most unflattering thing anyone has ever been called.

Like Ned Beatty getting raped.

At least that was erotic.


"Squeal like a... yeah, or just talk. Same thing."

Fucking Christ. At this point I'm convinced she's actually competing with Lisa Lampanelli to see who the more disgusting pig is.

There is no competition with Pig Piggerson

I would rather make love to her than any of you

How happy is Jeselnick and the furniture guy right about now.

3/4ths of her face looks like Don Rickles

Remember guys - it doesn't bother her AT ALL that she used to be passably fuckable and now looks like this. Not one bit. She's fine with it, she said so. Similar to thin people who used to be fat talking about how much they regret their decision to eat well and exercise. We see that all the time, guys. All the time.

That's the face of a "person" making the most annoying sound ever made.

That'll do Pig,that'll do.


She really had the bloated "WC Fields" face.

Is she a boozer?

Yes piggy is

Yes piggy is

This is how she looks when she's telling you how famous she is.

Blowers Cramp, get it....

How happy do you guys look when you're asked to get off the plane so that it is able to take off?

How happy is Jeselnick and the furniture guy right about now.