The 4 (or 8 tss) deadest eyes in the history of entertainment

43  2017-08-30 by JoeCumiasCockBreath


Is that the Subway guy on the left?

I hope there is a subway to the left, right and above you!

This just makes me depressed for an era long gone.

I'm holding out hope for that knish eating contest.

This is why women don't respect men anymore.

Yea, no one competes with these true men

The best radio duo (or quartet...) in the history of history

you'd all be dead if it wasn't for my David!

I miss that monotone, soulless voice.

Intern David has the type of eyes where he looks like any words you speak to him, he would just repeat back to you and not process your statements mentally.

"Do you watch it every week, everyday? Lost, when it's on every week?"

lifeless eyes, black a dolls eyes

I couldn't even count the number of times he said "Bobo" on that show. "Bobo what do you about this.....".

Would you suck my cock like a vacuum? And you know how a vacuum works, you godless whore

Nobody beats David. I don't care who wore a shit hat.

Look at his eyes. That is a VERY powerful Jew.

David is a satanist

Belly laughs

Why didn't these cheap fucks hire David? Like Sal was so valuable?