Antwan Cumio on gay tinder 5/27

128  2017-08-30 by Suibu


Holy shit more pls

Whoever downvoted this is a faggot, this is magnificent.

Philly crew alert dvvvvv

This is some next level shit

Borderline experimental

That fuckin fag is an Islamophobe.

what happened to the first 4? this is great

R u stealing /u/thomas_daly's bit, fffffuckface? You wanna fawkin play!?

My bit is way better than that faggots

Well, I am more turned on by your bit. I'll give you that.

You talkin shiznit about u/thomas_daly????? Well fawk you!!!!!!!!!!!

No it's not.

Tss... I hope he gets shot

Those were clearly just your regular failed gay Tinder lines. You can't even pick up a $15 latino twink.. I could. Fag.

i don't get why thats funny. im sorry im not trying to be a dick. I dont see the name antwon cumio anywhere or a funny avatar of ant. I see a few lines of nothing with black guys...ok. the dust line was getting somewhere but u made a doodie in ur pants after that. I need some more plot here to be like ok this is good stuff.

Chippah on Tinder is funny. it has to have more of a convo.

Agree fully. This is a shitpost even by this subs standards, I don't see how it relates to OnA. Opies tits would make a better gay tinder anyways.

thank you. this here is a man with repsect for art.

Fags are hella racist.

ant(wan) doesn't talk that way. you chipped it up, because you had no working concept. total failure. kill yourself.

Whoever reported this for brigading needs to reread the rules.

Pretty sure Reddit's rules don't protect gay hookup apps.

Borderline experimental