Toronto ‘Free Speech Comedy Show’ cancelled amid backlash

23  2017-08-30 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


gay city in a faggot country

And Opie would tell you it's also a shitty "Providence" because dumbbell didn't know the word province despite living in Buffalo.

Holy shit...he actually said this...?

Yes. It was during the show where they tricked bobo into thinking he had a girlfriend from Canada. I believe it is called "Breaking Bobo's Heart" on youtube. He says providence about 5 times while trying to make fun of someone that he thinks is somehow dumber than him without any irony. He is a stupid ass.

Mr. AsianAnalParty sir. You are a good egg. Gonna listen to this as soon as I'm home.

Glad to hear the Proud Boys were involved to hetero things up a bit

Good. Now those nazis can't make jokes about raping me in my fragile anus.

How boot a northern Wall.We have enough of our own homegrown faggots.

Having a free speech show in Toronto is like having a tap water festival in Flint.

It's retarded, but we have "Free Speech." Not quite the constitutionally protected kind the US has. (We don't even have a written constitution, just Conventions that a majority government could potentially fuck with)The exception to ours is "hate speech," which is becoming increasingly whatever the fuck people don't want to hear.

I think these guys were doing the bit for some buzz when they did inevitably get shut down.

Toronto is a cesspool.